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Hey guys, my name is Dario and I brought in a Grey to our home about three years ago as a present for my mom. She named him Tango. He hatched in November of 2008. I love forums so expect to hear a lot from me in the future.

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Hello Dario and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Is Tango still your mother's bird or has he taken to you as his preferred one? We have lots of members here who brought a grey into their life that prefers another member of the family other than the one who purchased him/her as greys can be fickle about who they like best. Its not always the one who does all the feeding, cleaning of the cage and spending time with the bird but most do get along with other members of the family so it usually all works out.

We do love pictures here so if you have some more of Tango you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Thank you thank you guys for the warm welcome. I'm currently engaging in a winter semester at my University which is covers fifteen weeks worth of material in four, so I will try to get some pictures up in a week or so when things settle down a bit.


As far as preference. At first Tango preferred me more. A few months have gone by, and I don't know if it was either me constantly talking to Tango and telling him to let my mom pet him even if it means that he wouldn't let me pet him, or if it was the fact that at around the same time I got in a relationship (current ex) and he noticed; or a combination of both. But now even though he views me as the alpha in the household, he only lets my mom pet him. I say he views me as an alpha because his tone and the majority of his spoken words are derived from my speech, and when I go to set him down, he listens to me and doesn't try to fight back. Whereas when he's on my mom's hand, he doesn't want to get down because he knows that he can take advantage of her and bite her and stay on her hand stubbornly until she gives him a treat. I've been trying to train my mom to not let him get his way, but he has her wrapped around his finger (lol at the metaphor).

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Caring for a grey, is alot of work, that really requires the entire family. Most greys will choses one person if given the chance. I have never allowed my grey to accept this belief. I am ROM... (mom), make all final decisions. Sophie loves Ryan ( a boyfriend). He is home occassionally from college. When he is home, she goes crazy. When he is gone, I am her best friend, again. Nancy

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