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Anyone Else Have Issues With TOPs Pellets Lately?


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Our flock has, until recently, thoroughly enjoyed their TOPs brand of organic pellets. The last bag I purchased, however, seemed a bit 'off'--it took me a little while to realize that Marcus really wasn't eating them; and the greenies, Beaker and Tybalt, held a similar disinterest. (For the record, Bunsen will eat just about anything in pelleted form.) Anyway, so I ordered another 10# bag after I tasted the pellets and realized they didn't taste exactly like other the TOPs pellets I've sampled in the past. (The ones I've eaten have been nice and spicy hot, with a sweet alfalfa-kind of flavor, and these just are dry and dull--overbaked? I dunno.) The new bag didn't taste quite like the old stuff, either, but it seemed better than the first and the birds were a little bit more forgiving of it. I had saved the other bag, thinking our dog might enjoy some of it with her food, but by then it just smelled bad and fermented, so I threw it out. Bunsen is very happily eating these new pellets, and Marcus nibbles at them occasionally, but it's not like he's enjoying them like he was before. Has anyone else who regularly feeds TOPs pellets to their fids had issues with them recently? Or have I just crazily ordered two 'off' bags in a row? My husband thinks Marcus is just being finicky, because of his other foods available to him, but I'm not sure... I'm thinking of maybe trying out Harrison's if my next bag is still a little 'off', but I really hope to not have to switch. Our flock has enjoyed TOPs organic pellets as a part of their diet for almost as long as we've had parrots.

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The last batch I bought was this fall w/an Xdate sometime next summer. I usually buy a big bag & divide it into smaller, airtight bags. Then I keep one at a time in an airtight bottle to feed from. I have to admit that I haven't actually sampled any myself. But no problems that I've been able to tell.


You could have gotten 2 bad bags. Depends on how long the distributor or your direct supplier has them on the shelf. I don't know. I wouldn't give up on them just yet, though. I like the organic thing & think the ingredients are healthier overall.


I really feel Harrison's has too much corn & peanuts to feed daily. But lots of people swear by it. So if you can't feel comfy w/the TOP food right now, it may be better to take a break.

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Can't go wrong with Harrisons. Excellent choice! I have never struggled to much with birdfood. Low on seeds. High on either freezedryed fruits and veggies, but focus more on natural fruits and veggies. Believe me, our walls have been painted with rejection for natural fruits and veggies. I ignore the rejection. They threw it, I changed it up a bit, but I eventually won. ( took a long time, and it was worth the battle!) I learned what they liked, but also offered many different fruits and veggies that they refused, and eventually was willing to try. Its always a battle. Nancy

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Now that you mention it, my little Senegal doesn't seem as interested in his TOPS lately. He gets a mixture of TOPS and Zupreem natural. He used to eat all the TOPS and leave most of the Zupreem. Recently it's been just the opposite. Might be something to it.

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