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Hello everyone!

My name is Bianca and I have a timneh african grey named Koekie. I'm 16 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. So if I make wierd sentences it's because my English is not the best:p

I'm Koekie's third owner. He turned 1 in october and I have him for 3 months now. I have learned him to say his name on clue,whistle, bark and kiss. He also says koppie krauw( scratch this head) kom dan/ kom hier(come here) and he can laugh!

He also can turn and wave on clue. And he does a color trick. He's a very smart parrot and I'm really proud of him that he learns so quickly. I have also 2 Budgies, Davi and Chipie, and a yellow side green cheek conure named Marley. And we have a dog, 2 cats and 2 chickens. I'm a vegetarian for already 5 years now;).

I have a big birdtree in my room. If you want to now more, just ask. Ohw, and I don't mind if you correct my word/sentences.

Greetings Bianca


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Hi Bianca. Great introduction and your English is fine. I always admire persons who know more than one language. I love your birdies' playstand. Great picture with the little birdies having fun. Koekie is a fine lookiing TAG, I love those timnehs. Welcome to the Grey family and I look forward to hearing more about your sweet flock!

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Thank you for your reaction! :) Your Timneh looks sweet with his dark eyes. Is he still young or is it an old picture?And your Amazon is beautiful. Do you have more pictures from them?

Well, English is a important language so I'm trying to learn and I can never stop learning about parrots!Everyone in my school has English lessons. And you can choose between german and french. How is that in your country?

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What a magnificent playstand and a happy home with your parrots. Thanks for reaching out, for learning new things and for sharing with us. My daughter wants to be a linguist and learns many languages. I try, but can't keep up. Like a parrot who can talk, but still communicate in many other ways, I will work to understand anyone and to learn more about their country, their culture and their language. Good for you! You are very good at your communication.

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Bianca, the picture of my TAG, Ana Grey, in the avatar was when she was 4-months old. She is now 3 1/2 years. My amazon, Louie, is 4 years old and my CAG, Sterling Gris, is 10 months old. There are many pictures of my little flock throughout the forum. I am not shy about my birdies. Looking forward to hearing more your sweet flock.


As for the languages in my country, unfortunately, most languages besides English are taught during high school were it is mandatory to take a language, French or Spanish usually, to get into college. In my opinion, much too late for students to grasp different languages.

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Welcome Bianca! You have a lovely flock there, and I love their playstand! You seem to really love your birds, and it great to see someone so young own up to the responibility of taking care of parrots. You should be very proud of yourself!

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Welcome Bianca! You have a lovely flock there, and I love their playstand! You seem to really love your birds, and it great to see someone so young own up to the responibility of taking care of parrots. You should be very proud of yourself!

Thank you, that makes me smile :)

I do REALLY love my birds:D Their the best!

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Hello Bianca and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and your fids.

Your english is fine, we can tell that it is translated for some words are different but we get the meaning.

You seem mature for your age compared to some other 16 year olds I know but you know what you want and go and do it, very responsible I must say, your parents should be proud.

Did you make that tree playstand? It is a great looking one and your fids must have a wonderful time on it.

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thank you :)

The boyfriend of my sister made the birdtree for my birthday. He's a really nice guy, and he drove all across the country to get Koekie. And than we had car trouble and we had to stay for 2 days in the other side of the Netherlands!! And he's the only one with a car that would drive for me when the birds need to go to a birdspecialist. We do have a normal vet close by, but not a vet who is a birdspecialist.

My birds LOVE the playstand/birdtree! It's nice , when the boyfriend of my sister visits, to see that my birds enjoy the tree so much.

My mom doesn't really care what I do with my room. So I'm lucky. My birds are lucky! My father lives in Germany so he doesn't care at all.

With some difficult words I use a wordtranslator. But the wordtranslator doesn't now the grammer, so that maybe wrong to. That's all my head!:P I don't like to learn at school, so I learned the most out of reading alot of books. But I'm glad you all understand me :D

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