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Parrot Insurance?


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Hi guys. Been awhile since my last post. Last I posted chloe had a broken leg. Its all healed and no issues there for those who we're wondering.she's mostly back to her usual spiderman self. She doesn't move AS FAST as she use to but its to be expected as those muscles haven't been used for awhile and im sure much like a person self physical therapy is needed. But anyways she's fine.


Anywho on to my question. Parrot/bird health insurance. Do you know of anyone? Any companies you gave used that you support or have heard good things about? I've done extensive searching into it but have only found one company voice.com for both birds my grey and umbrella cockatoo its like $50/month for coverage and honestly the coverage sounds crappy for the $$$ it roughly pays for half of surgery and illness and $0 for check ups visits testing xrays etc they sell THAT coverage separate for like $20 more a month but that's only covers like $200 a tear per bird toward all of the above listed visits tests xrays etc per bird which most of you know would be spent. Probably in ONE VISIT..

Im not sure if it because they are exotic or what but that's bot good at all in my opinion so im looking for additional options if they exist.


Thx for any info and sorry for all the typos grammar punctuation etc im in my cell phone and my autofill sucks. :/

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I checked out 4 different reputable companies that deal with exotic pets but all of them seem to say the same thing. The coverage is basically the same no matter what company you choose. These 2 links will give you much detail concerning insurance and insurance may not apply to the type of coverage you're looking for.





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I don't have insurance for my birds or dogs. BUT.... I do feel it is important, to make a plan or will, regarding our birds. They can outlast us. All my birds have future homes if needed. Hopefully, I will be around for several years, but the dogs future is more in question. Sophie is a favorite, and I have been asked by many friends, if she can be part of their lives. My best friend will take her.

Sean will take Kiki, Ryan will take Sunny. I think we have worked it out. Nancy

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All of our animals have VPI pet insurance. They cover exotics, cost just depends on the level of coverage. I highly recommend it because it saves me TONS of money when my clumsy dog, Buddy, ends up needing stitches 1-2 times a year. It's nice to have when an emergency happens. The deductible on most is $100 and, just like human insurance, after you meet that for the year they cover any treatment beyond that (within their determined coverage, of course).

Edited by Life is Greyt
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smiles I talked to the VPI Insurance lady Rachel I think her name was (I wrote it down at work) anyways she was VERY nice said they had been in business for over 30 years and that a monthly package for a single bird would run about 23.35/mo and covered lots. She also said they cant write a policy until AFTER you have owned your baby for 2 months first !!!!!!!!!!!! just so any new parront considering this option knows :) Im definately going to look into it

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aerial, just wanna add to what you were saying, (because I spoke to them too today) that there are 2 plans, and the one you're mentioning is the higher of the 2 (but it's better because it includes regular tests) the basic plan is around $18 if I remember correctly, and its a $50 deductible and covers around $7000 expenses yearly (this includes surgery, emergency care, medication, things like that)... also like you said, the bird needs to be in your care for 60 days, (and also needs to be 3 months old, plus after you sign up it takes 14 days for the coverage to start... oh and you need to pay for the first 2 months upfront)


(ps, I hope you don't feel like I'm stepping on your toes, because that wasn't my intention, just trying to help with the information that I was given)

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no no please great information .... I didnt list everything and yes there was 2 plans like a basic and a full coverage :) I didnt know bout the 2mo up front :) and yes 50 per "incident" is what she called it so per vet visit and I didnt hear there was a 7000/per year but that is totally great news im so gonna get it when Marco is ready (age wise and ive had him long enough) YEAHHHHHHHHH! ty for adding :D :D

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yup, believe it or not, just cuz i'm buying a CAG does not mean I'm made out of money haha. And like my breeder said, a $1300 bird and a $8000 vet bill is crazy (which it is, in a way, but we all here are crazy right) so when I get the insurance... that price will not be as scary... were it to ever happen.


mini story... I used to have a cockatiel, and one day he was eating some type of seed, (those little itty bitty seeds) and the husk of the seed somehow got under his eye, and got infected. After a $100+ vet bill the eye was still infected... then a day later he was flying around like the crazy bird he is and flew into a wall.... seed popped out... my mother is joking that we should've just thrown him at the wall in the first place. Point of the story, my tiel wasn't more than $100 but we took him to the vet to get him fixed, and if we had that insurance, we still would've paid the copay but it would've been a lot less.

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