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Save my Ears!!!!!!!!!


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Hello all! I have a jenday conure who is just over a year old and I need help stopping him from screaming!!! It's getting to the point where I have to sneak around my apartment so he doesn't spot me lol I'm getting complaints from neighbours and I don't know what to do, I've tried ignoring him when he does scream but it doesn't work, I've done the whole covering his cage for a few minutes but as soon as I uncover him it starts again. What do I do??????????

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I've had years of experience with sun and jenday conures. They are my favorite small sized bird, and the biggest reason I don't have one right now is that THEY ARE NOT APARTMENT BIRDS! They scream and scream and scream because that is who they are.


I once worked for a childrens museum who had a sun conure as sort of a "mascot" and you could hear him three floors down!


I'm sorry, I don't really know how to help except to perhaps get some insulation to muffle the sound from neighbors.

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I have a Sun Conure named Charlie. She does not scream all the time, but has a fit if she sees the vaccum cleaner...seriously. She has A LOT of toys in her cage, and plenty to keep her busy. Some conures are more vocal than others, but I don't recommend them for apartment living either. What is you jenday's cage like? Have you changed anything? How long has he been screaming like this?


I just reread your post. It says you cover the cage to stop him from screaming, so it means he is already in the cage. Have you been letting him out enough?

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