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How Many Rescues Do You Have?


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I was curious about how many rescued fids each member here has, and what they are? Do you have any background info on them? What has your journey with your rescues been like?



I have a total of 8 fids (including my upcoming Grey). Out of these 8, 6 of them are rescues. My Quaker, Kiwi, was hand fed and raised by me, and obviously my Grey is not a rescue either. As far as my rescues go, the first ones I acquired are 2 male grey Cockatiels. The previous owners thought they were a male and a female, and her husband did not like the noise they made, so he would smack their cage every chance he got. They grew to absolutely hate humans, and especially their hands. When I got them their cage had at least 4 inches of poop on the bottom, and it took me hours to scrub it clean with a wire brush. They are now 15 years old. They are still rather nervous, and don't like anyone but me at all. No one can feed them aside from me.


I also have Barnaby, the U2. I do not have to go into his story though, as everyone has been following along (thank you). He is 8 years old.


Next, there is Charlie my Sun Conure. She is a beautiful, lively little girl. She has come a long way since I got her a couple years ago. She can still sometimes be a bit nippy, but not often. I don't know much about her personal background. All I know is that at one time she was handfed in a Petsmart. The vet guesses she is about 8 years old also.


I also have Splash, my English Budgie. He is another that is afraid of pretty much everything. I have not had him long, so I am still working with him now, and hoping to make great progress as time goes on. I have no idea how old he is, but I would guess a few years.


And last, but not least... I have my tiny little friend, Sage, the Parrotlet. He was named Lily Pad originally, but I changed it after I saw him and determined the sex. The lady I got him from could no longer care for him, and he is right around 9 years old. He is a Pacific Parrotlet, and is so incredibly tiny! He is such a little sweetheart, and he LOVES to hide in my hair all night if I let him. I don't think he would ever come out if I didn't remove him! Usually when I am on this forum, he is in my hair hanging out, sometimes swinging back and forth! It really is quite a sight!

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That is quite an impressive number of rescues and I am sure they are all very grateful to be where they are now. I guess you could say one of my birds is a rescue, a cockatiel that would not have survived outside if I had not taken her in and given her a home. She just showed up one day in the summer of 2010 and I could tell she was used to people so I did not have much trouble catching her, if I hadn't brought her in or if she had showed up at someone else's house she would have ended up as hawk dinner for sure as we have plenty of them especially here in the country. I put her in a spare cage I had and fed her some food and she ate like she hadn't eaten in days. She was shy of hands and I couldn't handle her for a while but she has come a long way now and seeks me out when she is out of her cage, she is very curious and will check things out but at times she will sit on my shoulder and preen my hair. I tried to find her owner as she surely wasn't a bird you find outside naturally but no one claimed her so I gave her a name, Gypsy.

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Great idea for a thread topic!


I kind of think of Rikki as a rescue. I am her 4th home, although I have had her for 3 1/2 years. Her home prior to me was for 6 weeks only after those owners thought she was too noisy, and came here to ask for advice as to how to keep her quiet! I was so furious, that I said I would take her, (since they obviously didn't do their homework on a grey before getting her from her 2nd owner.........it turns out they said I could have her and they lived 2 1/2 hours from me, so they drove her to my house, and she finally landed in her forever home!

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I have three parrots, two greys I have had since they were weaned and my Louie, the BF Amazon. He belonged to a man who spoke Hindu, as did his whole family, so Louie came to me speaking Hindu. When the man because ill with cancer, Louie was placed outside with their breeding greys. The wife called him "wild." Louie does not let me touch him, if I try he bites. He does not know how to step up. Louie has been with me for one year and 4 months. He will now fly to sit near me and sit on my shoulder. He loves to preen my hair. He can touch me, but I can't touch him. He was a man's parrot, he likes my 22 year old grandson and now will fly to Tony and sit on his shoulder. Louie is trying to be my friend, he will go into his cage on command and follows me around my home. As long as I don't try to touch him he is happy. He will now take food from my hand without biting. It is a long and slow ride to where we are now, and I know he wants to trust me and is trying hard to do so, it just takes time. I love Louie, he is smart and a total joy to have around. He is learning English but still at least once a day, lets out a string of Hindu which I do not understand. Is he a rescue??? I don't know. To me he is just a guy trying to live in a woman's world!!!


This is a great thread Dawl, thanks for starting it!!! Kudos to you for taking in and caring for your sweet rescues!!!

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That is quite an impressive number of rescues and I am sure they are all very grateful to be where they are now. I guess you could say one of my birds is a rescue, a cockatiel that would not have survived outside if I had not taken her in and given her a home. She just showed up one day in the summer of 2010 and I could tell she was used to people so I did not have much trouble catching her, if I hadn't brought her in or if she had showed up at someone else's house she would have ended up as hawk dinner for sure as we have plenty of them especially here in the country. I put her in a spare cage I had and fed her some food and she ate like she hadn't eaten in days. She was shy of hands and I couldn't handle her for a while but she has come a long way now and seeks me out when she is out of her cage, she is very curious and will check things out but at times she will sit on my shoulder and preen my hair. I tried to find her owner as she surely wasn't a bird you find outside naturally but no one claimed her so I gave her a name, Gypsy.


I would most definitely consider Gypsy a rescue! Without you she would have no where to go, no one to love her or feed her, and would have more than likely died had she not found you. That in my eyes is the definition of rescue!


Penny, don't you just love people that are so incredibly irresponsible? Sounds like they defintiely didn't do any sort of research on the Grey species before getting one. Rikki is so lucky to have ended up with you. She obviously LOVES being with you, causing terror, and breaking dishes in your kitchen :D I don't think she would have it any other way!

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I have three parrots, two greys I have had since they were weaned and my Louie, the BF Amazon. He belonged to a man who spoke Hindu, as did his whole family, so Louie came to me speaking Hindu. When the man because ill with cancer, Louie was placed outside with their breeding greys. The wife called him "wild." Louie does not let me touch him, if I try he bites. He does not know how to step up. Louie has been with me for one year and 4 months. He will now fly to sit near me and sit on my shoulder. He loves to preen my hair. He can touch me, but I can't touch him. He was a man's parrot, he likes my 22 year old grandson and now will fly to Tony and sit on his shoulder. Louie is trying to be my friend, he will go into his cage on command and follows me around my home. As long as I don't try to touch him he is happy. He will now take food from my hand without biting. It is a long and slow ride to where we are now, and I know he wants to trust me and is trying hard to do so, it just takes time. I love Louie, he is smart and a total joy to have around. He is learning English but still at least once a day, lets out a string of Hindu which I do not understand. Is he a rescue??? I don't know. To me he is just a guy trying to live in a woman's world!!!


This is a great thread Dawl, thanks for starting it!!! Kudos to you for taking in and caring for your sweet rescues!!!



Thank you Luvparrots. They are all very special in their own individual ways, and are very special to me. I wish I could take in every rescue I cam across, but it just isn't possible. I talked to my husband the other day. He said that a co-worker of his has an uncle with a Grey. He has shoved the bird into a back bedroom that is completely empty, and the bird has completely plucked himself naked. The bird has no human contact, no toys at all, and I am sure he isn't fed correctly, if at all. The co-worker talked to his uncle about us taking the Grey into our flock, and the uncle replied with "Sure, they can have him if they pay me $1500". I am still so mad about this! What a terrible person he must be. I wish I could just go scoop him up and bring him home (the grey) but I have no idea where he lives. If I did I would get the SPCA involved, and when they removed him, I wuold take him.



Luvparrots, Louie sounds like a great bird. You are so spot on with how long these things sometime take, and sometimes, the things we want to happen never do. But we don't love them any less if they don't want us to touch them. We respect their boundaries as we would like ours to be respected, and love them unconditionally. That is the makeup of a great rescue parront. I never go in expecting ANYTHING. I hope for it, but I don't expect it. That is what makes it so much sweeter when they cuddle us, step-up, or even sit near us for the first time.

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Luvparrots, Louie sounds like a great bird. You are so spot on with how long these things sometime take, and sometimes, the things we want to happen never do. But we don't love them any less if they don't want us to touch them. We respect their boundaries as we would like ours to be respected, and love them unconditionally. That is the makeup of a great rescue parront. I never go in expecting ANYTHING. I hope for it, but I don't expect it. That is what makes it so much sweeter when they cuddle us, step-up, or even sit near us for the first time.



So very true Dawl!!!

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As of now we have Cricket my blue front amazon and Little One our cockatiel. We also have Pete peacock and Hanna peahen.

Bacon one of our dogs is a rescue and Smokey who just passed away on christmas day was a reacue.

In the past we rescues love birds, two ring neck doves and many keets and cockatiels along with our goats that were with us to their last days.

Many dogs and cats and a horse and a number of others

Edited by Ray P
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As of now we have Cricket my blue front amazon and Little One our cockatiel. We also have Pete peacock and Hanna peahen.

Bacon one of our dogs is a rescue and Smokey who just passed away on christmas day was a reacue.

In the past we rescues love birds, two ring neck doves and many keets and cockatiels along with our goats that were with us to their last days.

Many dogs and cats and a horse and a number of others


That sounds like a great family you have, Ray. I was very sorry to read about your loss of Smokey, especially on Christmas day. I love the fact that you have all of these different kinds of animals. Do you live out of the city? As of now, I live in the city and am limited on what I can have. I have always wanted chickens for some reason, horses, and a llama. It is my dream to move out of the city with my husband one day, and be able to have a few of these animals.


I didn't even think about it until Ray's post, but my 2 cats are also rescues. They have been through a lot, but are now fat and happy :)

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All of our babies are rescues/rehomes. I typed up their stories and it said my post was too long! But I couldn't think how to shorten everything and keep it coherent, and I need to get to other things around here now... so, I'm sorry! :P But the parrots and mammals alike all were either found on the street or adopted through Craig's List or came from a shelter, and our one cat was given to us by neighbors who couldn't take him with them when they moved. So they've all had former homes, but I daresay they are all pretty happy now :) here with us too--some of them happier than I'm sure they ever were before.

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I currently have one rescue that is a 15 yr old grey Andy, I only have him about a week and we are making tremendous progress. I also had a B/G macaw and CAG, the B/G was left to me by my Uncle and the Grey was a rescue that both passed in the last year (b/g was 70-75 yrs & the grey in the 50's) both lived great lives.

photo (4).jpg

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All my other babies besides Chickie are rescues. Kirby came off a greyhound track when she was 5. She was adopted by a family and then, sadly, they returned her when she was 9. Not sure how anyone could do that, but I am glad they did because it brought her into my life. :) My Buddy was abandoned on a farm in Nebraska along with his 6 brothers and sisters, mom, and dad. He came to me when he was 7 mos old. Jackson came from a local no-kill shelter last year when he was 1. And last, but not least, our newest addition is Audrey and she also came from a rescue group. She was bought from a breeder at 8 weeks old. The people then had her for 2 weeks and gave her up-who knows why cause she is a sweet little girl-but, again, I'm glad they did cause it brought her to us. I considered doing a rehomed grey before I put down a deposit on a baby, but I was pretty intimidated by the idea that a rehome might need more experience than I could offer. My boyfriend and I discussed it and decided that a baby was the way to go for us-and thank God we did cause now I have my Chickie baby!! :)

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All of mine are rescues as I don't believe in buying from a breeder/pet store with so many animals needing homes.


Currently I have -


Taylor - a 7 yr old male yellow sided conure. A couple bought him from Petco and were moving out of the country. I have a feeling they just wanted to get rid of him because of the noise!


Marc - a 2 yr old male half moon conure. His mom killed his clutchmates and was starting on him when the breeder checked on them. Many of his nails and parts of toes were bitten off. I got a call asking if I'd take him since "no one would want him."


Happy - a 7 (?) yr old male cinnamon conure with 1 leg. Was living in a pet store with his sister. She died and he was alone and "no one wanted him" so I took him. He and Marc live happily together. He first lost his foot in a toy accident. Then he caught his leg in the cage bars and snapped it and had surgery to remove the leg. That happened before I adopted him.


Stan and Bea - 11 yr old male and female cockatiels. A former co-worker buys animals but never keeps them for more than a year. She gave them to me along with the cage and supplies.


Stevie - 1 yr old female cockatiel. Another breeder reject. Her left leg curls at the knee and her foot faces up towards the sky.


Phoebe - 10 month old female CAG. Breeder reject. She was born missing several talons and parts of several toes. She didn't perch very well but is doing great now.


Z - 9 yr old male CAG. Belonged to an elderly woman who could no longer care for him.


Wills - male parakeet that was dropped off at Petco with his beak grown into his chest and nails curled around 2-3 times. They had him on an adoption table with a note saying he did not need to see a vet and also wasn't eating or drinking. Got him home and cut beak and nails and he dove into seed and water dishes.


Harry - male parakeet that was found by the sister of a friend. Will and Harry live together.


Maurice and Edna Finch (named after relatives from the 1800's and their last name was Finch) 2 finches - 1 society. 1 zebra. Droppped off at Petco.


JP (F) and Ringo (M) lovebirds. Were in same clutch along with one other. All 3 were sold to different people and they all turned out to be pluckers. JP ended up back at the store she was sold from and Ringo ended up at a different store. I adopted both and the couple that bought the 3rd one have kept him even though he's a plucker. I had already adopted JP when I went to a different store for the first time and was looking at supplies. Started speaking with the owner and she asked me if I knew anyone who wanted a lovebird that plucks as someone had dropped him off. I said I would take him and we were able to track back from the woman who handfed and sold them that it was JP's brother.


The lovebirds, parakeets and finches recently went to live with my mom since she's retired and she wanted some small birds. She also currently has 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a tortoise that I rescued and dumped on her! I also have a dwarf hamster I adopted from the local shelter, 2 rescue rabbits that roam free in my apt (litterbox trained) and a 12 yr old cat that was found as a 5 wk old in the street.

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All of mine are rescues as I don't believe in buying from a breeder/pet store with so many animals needing homes.


Personally, my hubby and I feel the same way... it's so wonderful you have been able to help so many animals that otherwise would not have had that second chance. ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also do rescue, rehab and placement. I and my helpers are volunteer. we are not funded by anyone. The sheer enjoyment of just being around such wonderful creatures gives us enjoyment. As many of you know, there are disappointments and frustrations involved with this. I think that it is wonderful that the pet stores are available to provide us with the necessary items for our birds. But, they are in the business of selling birds in which many,many people are not educated on. Most have not done enough research on the bird that they will choose to buy. They are not committed to a long term relationship. I am located in Western NY and will pay shipping if I can be of help. Please note; I am not a breeder or a seller of birds. You can contact me anytime at ken14548@hotmail.com thanks, Ken

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I've told the story elsewhere (my Welcome thread), but I got Spencer (14 y.o. TAG) when he was nearly 13 from his original owner who had hand-fed him from about 4 weeks of age (yeah, I know). I knew 'of' him for the previous 4 years (and she'd even offered him to me a year prior), but I had never interacted with him. He was well-fed and in a clean cage with toys and given 'outside time' in good weather, and she works from home, so she was 'around,' but he wasn't allowed much out-of-cage time. He had started chewing his flight and tail feathers, which is when she decided she was no longer providing the right home for him. When my budgie died and I mentioned to her I was thinking about a new bird, she renewed her offer. After a few days and a million questions, my wife and I decided to take the plunge and I haven't looked back. We started off with a 'weekend' trial and the rest is history.


With him, I got his cages, toys, food, and what little vet documentation she had (DNA sexed male), as well as a 4-week-old picture. Really, it was probably the best a 'rescue' could go (which is why I hesitate to use the word with him - perhaps 'life upgrade' is better :D ). She's 'around' for me to ask questions of, but she has always been kind of reluctant to talk about him - I'm guessing from feeling badly about giving him up and/or missing him. So I've never pressed for much more information, but she has been glad to hear my updates about him no longer plucking and other progress. I see her fairly often, but only talk about him if she asks. Her comment when I recently told her about him letting me scratch his head was, "And he didn't whip around and bite you? Huh." A bit telling, that.


Anyway, Spencer is my first re-homed bird in my adult life, but my parents were always taking in stray and second-hand creatures - even the occasional person. Of my 'grown up' pets, our rabbits were both from a shelter and my cat was born under the stairs where I work - her mother a true barn cat. My dogs are AKC titled pure-bred Labradors (a decision I will defend without hesitation), but a shelter dog is definitely in my future. My 'tiel and budgie were pet store birds, but that's because I feel I didn't know better at the time. Despite having 'baby envy' of people with newly-weaned bonding machines, I'm fairly certain my life will be filled with re-homed birds from here on out. Any cursory search of Craigslist (let alone PetFinder) shows there are WAY too many animals (not just birds) out there which need homes.

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