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What kind of music does your birdie like?


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AnnaBella loves music. Her taste varies from country to disco to rap. I listen to most anything except rap and heavy metal. I have some rap tunes on my iPod that I downloaded for work. She's so funny, when she hears a song she likes, she sings "let's go, let's go"...I don't know what song that's from or where she got that...it's not something I say..or my husband says. She watches cartoons every morning, maybe she got it from them. Anyway, I'm just curious what kind of music your bird(s) like to listen to.


Anyone dance on Wii with their birds? I like to dance to the Michael Jackson Experience...she loves it! She likes me to hold her while I'm showing off my fantastic (not) dance moves but it's hard when you're trying to get a good score...LOL. I recently ordered Abba and Grease for Wii...I'm anxious to see how she responds!

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Biscotti loves music too, I have the radio on way more than the TV. I listen to all different types of music too, he seems to really like songs with a fiddle in them. He will bob around and say "whoo" when he likes a song. When it's over he says "I like that one, that's a good song!". Cracks me up. They are so entertaining! :) I have a wii but haven't tried any of the dance games, I'm sure Biscotti would be laughing at me!

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Our fids love music. Marcus in particular seems to like melodic music--I have a lot of albums from the seventies and eighties and he'll try to "sing" along with Patty Smyth and Pat Benatar and Dokken and stuff. When my hubby has Marcus out with him on his pillow, though, he'll play techno and disco and things like that for him, and Marcus will often start "dancing" and bobbing his head all around and everything. Very cute! When I give our flock a Screamy Time, however, I try and put on something a bit louder and fast (hard rock and/or 'nice' metal--I check the lyrics!) and they'll get all pumped up and screech and have a grand time, especially our Beaker. He just loves Screamy Time. It's a half-hour or so in the middle of the day when they're all allowed to be as loud and crazy as they want and mommy doesn't say a single word! :)

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