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First day of 2012

Ray P

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I spent the first at my retirement part time full time job (don`t ask). When I came home Cricket saw me and was all excited to see me and was ready to come out of her cage for some her and me time.

The wife said she was quiet all day and than I came home and she started with Hi Hi Cricket and she was all over her cage ready to come out.

I sat down and had a cup of coffee and Cricket was on one shoulder and Corky on the other and I think they were both trying to tell me about their day as they both chattered in my ears and I just enjoyed my time with them.

On christmas day Smokey our our dog passed away he was 17 years old and I think they both miss him because Corky calls him and will say Smokey, speak, Wolf wolf. She would always call him and toss some of her pellets out of the cage for him. So there I am in my chair Cricket on one shoulder Corky on the other and Bacon our other dog in my lap and they all wanted some extra attention so we just sat there and enjoyed our time.

Smokey RIP

Edited by Ray P
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Hi Ray, I am so very very sorry to hear about Smokey :( 17 yrs is a very long time, I would love to see a picture of Smokey. I am sure you and your family and flock miss him very much. I loved hearing about your day, and how your fids are there to comfort you as much as you comfort them. You painted a wonderful picture and I feel as tho I was there watching as a fly on the wall with a smile on my face from such a beautiful sight.


RIP Smokey...

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RayP... so sorry about Smokey. It is so hard sometimes, to recover from a beloved animal wehave had for a long time. I still struggle with the loss of Max, age 18. He taught all the birds to get along. Including new puppies.When he left us, I knew he felt new pups were ready, as well as Sophie was ready to take over the animal world. Everyone was ready, but me! I have never recovered from the loss of Max. I hope you do better than me. Nancy

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