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Hi, I'm soooo excited. I'll pick up my grey tomorrow. What should I do I get the bird home? Here are some ideas what I read from the book. Could someone please tell me if these are truth or false, and please give me some advises. Thank you

Put the bird in the cage right away.

Cover half of the cage for a few days

No contact with other birds for 30 days

Turn the heat up 5 degree compare with the bird store

Edited by CharlieB
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Everyone has a different opinion on these. As far as the quarintine, that is a no questions asked MUST. I do like to cover at least one part of the cage for a new bird, to help them feel safe. I am not sure about turning the heat up 5 degrees. I have never done that honestly, but I am sure someone will come along that may have more experience with that. Now....as far as putting your bird in the cage right away, I really think it depends on the bird. I think that if the bird is interested in you, and shows signs of wanting to spend a little time with you when he gets home, it is perfectly okay. Just be sure to wash your hands well, and change clothing before handling any other birds in the home.

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I think the temperature increase may be a hangover from the old days. We didn't understand as much about birds & weren't as prepared to transition them into their new home comfortably. Increasing the temp may have been in case of shock.


You really should quarantine for the same reasons that you should have a vet visit as soon as the fid comes home. There are problems that can't be found w/o an exam. You'd obviously want to address them immediately & wouldn't want any other fid affected in the meantime.


You might make your new baby more comfortable by covering some of the cage. It will offer a more sheltered place. It also limits the bird's having to react to everything that might be new & scary because they have a limited field of vision. But some birds don't like cage covers &/or it may just be one more new thing to adjust to if they haven't been in a covered cage previously. So it's good to try, but just see how well it's received & adjust accordingly.


Which is pretty much the same advice for putting the bird directly into the cage. A new cage is as alien as the fid's new home. If the fid is more comfortable w/you than the cage, then be sure to ease them in. Don't push... anything, really.


It's almost time, then ;) Can't wait to see your next post :D

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Good luck CharlieB! Partially covering the cage is a good idea. I wouldn't rush baby to new cage the minute you get home. He may want to check you out first for a few minutes. Make sure all other external stimuli is minimal. Easy on the toys. two or three a good start. Definitely no intro to other birds for at least 30 days. We're all here when you need us. Nancy

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Congrats CharlieB! How exciting!! When I brought my baby home I walked her through the whole house and then put her on her tree and let her hang out for a few hours. I didn't put her in her cage until it was time to go to bed. She took to everything new really well, but I'm sure every baby is different. She is a very brave and independent soul, so she didn't react at all to her new surroundings. I would say just pay attention to your baby, and let them tell you what they're comfortable with. If you notice they are stressed out, then maybe see what makes them more comfortable. They will tell you how they feel about a situation.

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Life is Greyt has wonderful advice. When I was a new grey owner, I was informed 24 hours before, she had chosen me. I was sure I wasn't selected, as everyone else applying for her, were experienced owners. I didn't have a grey. Little did I know, that many owners let the grey pick their new owner. After two interviews that I kept screwing up, because Sophie was chewing my ear off with babytalk, I couldn't focus on his questions, I knew I was not a candidate. Next thing I know, the owner calls me, tells me Sophie picked us, come and get her tomorrow. We were in shock, went to pick her up. I knew nothing! The owner told me I could call anytime with my questions. I started off with a question.What is the number one thing you suggest? I didn't even know what to ask! He said... " always listen to Sophie. She will guide you! The ride home was amazing! Sean was late too meet his friends at the movies... I was taking the corners a little fast. Sophie LOVED it! ( then again, her owner was a racecar driver!). She broke out of her cage, climbed on my shoulder, wagging her tail. Kids were freaking out, noone was helping.Sophie had a great ride! You would think she thought " what did I get into?" Pulled over to get her back in cage. When we got home, opened her cage, told her I would be right back, had two puppies needed to go out. When I got back, she was already in her new cage. That was Sophie's welcome. Nancy

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You guys are so wonderful, Thank you all. I brought my Grey home yesterday. So I did a little of each what you guys taught me. I cover the cover part of the cage to make the bird feel safe. The temp is the same with the bird store which is around 70 degrees. I took my grey around the house for a moment then I put my grey in the cage after an hour my grey stood on the play stand next to the cage. I hope I did it right :) I thought my grey would be hidden at the corner on the lowest perch, but my grey climbed on top of swing which I hang next to the front door. I'll post some pictures soon.

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Congrats!!! The others gave good advice and suggestions. Most completely depends on your grey, how well it has been socialized and if you have been visiting before bringing them home.


I am looking forward to hearing how things are going and seeing photos. :)

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