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Temperature question


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Sometimes AnnaBella's little feet feel cold after she's been on her perch and flies to me.The room is 70 or 71. Does this mean she's cold? There's no other evidence that suggests she's cold. The vet says 68 to 70 is a good temp for her. Is it possible that birds just get chilled like humans do? I like to turn on the heat a little when I feel her feet are cold...my husband thinks turning on the heat makes it too hot. The temp goes up to maybe 72.

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I think if she was cold, she would fly somewhere else. At night, rikki has a spot she stays in above my dining room window, her feet are very cold when I get her to bring her to bed, she doesn't seem to kind I guess. My house goes down to 64 at night, all my birds seem okay with it, their cages are covered.

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It is rather disturbing when you pick them up and feel their feet are cold. However, as Judy and Talon have said, they are fine. :)


We keep the thermostat set to 68 at night and 72 during the day. But, thats just us. There is no reason other than we are comgortable at those temperatures.

Edited by danmcq
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Thanks guys. We keep the house pretty cool all year round. At night, she sleeps in a bedroom (uncovered) with a heater that has a thermostat on it. It kicks on if it goes below about 68. We closed the vent to the house heater/AC in that room because, with the door closed and the heater on, it gets hot fast. Same with the A/C, it gets cold fast. Thanks for the comments, I feel better about her "cold toesies".


Judy, I thought about a heated perch for the living room cage. I'm paranoid about putting it in her bedroom cage because I'm afraid of fire. Anybody have experience with them?

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Heather, I have one that Rikki came with. Her previous owners told me she loved it and always slept on it at night, so I put it in her cage, and she used it sometimes, but preferred the spiral rope I have hanging down from the top instead, so although I keep it in her cage, but unplugged and she only goes on it to get to her bucket of foraging toys.

Maybe I will move it and try it again....

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