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What brand of humidifier do you use in your parrot room?


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What do you like or don't like about it. At the moment I use the Germ Guardian Humidifier. During the cold winter months I have it on full blast 24 h./ 7 days a week. I'd like to know what else is out there just in case my current one breaks down. Although it's a great when it works, it's proven to be unreliable in the long term. I'm on my 3rd one in 2 years. Initially I purchased it because I loved the idea about not purchasing replacement filters. This is very disappointing and irritating..

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This subject has been talked about for a long time.

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About 2 or more yrs ago, Dan started the important thread above and loads and loads of people responded. Althogh there weren't many machine brands listed, the importance of humidiers was talked about over and over.

I submitted info on inexpensive humidifers that could be purchased at pharmacies. Others suggested the ones they liked. These same machines are the type that can help with breathing problems for both babies and others that needed humidity in their surrounding areas. I've given this info out for years and NO ONE ever had any problems with them.

Then recently, someone new came around caused a ruckus and started talking about Teflon that was in these products. Heating wise, these humidifiers never reached any where near the type of heating degree that would affect the Teflon in it. But the argument went on and on and on and on. The person felt that the bird was sent by the heavens above. Well, to make a long story short, this person finally wavered after realizing that all types of humidifiers had a small amount of Teflon in them but he still acted like a lost soul as far as what to get. People don't have the slightest idea how many products that they own have Teflon in them. As an example---For the person who insists upon drying their bird with a hair dryer has no idea that hair dryers have Teflon in them. The birds don't get hurt other than getting dry skin. Many toasters have Teflon in them.

So, one thing you can look into are those humifiers that pharmacies sell. That's your choice. There's types that put out warm or room temp humidity. They cost beteen $35 to $50 depending on the tank size. They're simply filled with water and what comes out is air that's been humidifed.

This is only if you feel like looking into it. If not, that's fine too
. There's loads of other types machines from different companies out there. The machines I talk about have nothing on the box referring to birds but the ones that broke down on you also have no *bird* info.

If you don't feel like looking into it physically, then look this up on your PC.


Vicks Ultrasonic Humidifier V5100-N



Edited by Dave007
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