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Hello, I am the mommy of a 10 year old African Grey who has been previous abused and sometimes still plucks his red feathers. I am the only one she like and allow to hold and feed. I am joining this forum to understand the recent change in behavior (a day ago). She always likes to hang out on the top of her cage and is free to do as she pleases but always went into eat and drink. Yesterday I noticed that her food was untouched. Her behavior was normal besides that. She was very talkative and eating from hand and her appetiate seemed normal. BUT the problem that I am having is that she is not going back to her cage. I feed her this morining and she ate well. I dont know what to do. Please help!

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Everything you said concerning what your bird does on a regular basis describes a very healthy bird. Playing, coming out of the cage, friendliness etc.

As far as not going in the cage or eating, that can periodically happen to many parrots and there's nothing to worry about. Also, as far as not going in the cage-------some love being out of the cage for long periods of time but there is no bird that will stay away from water when they're thirsty. They simply go to the area where the water is. So, your bird may be going in the cage without you knowing it or will be going in the cage when it's thirsty. They drink very little but they do drink. Many parrots also pluck or chew on their feathers ( different areas) periodically for many reasons. It doesn't seem to change your bird's behavior.

If you've changed foods recently or wanna change foods, you can try that. BUT, he will go back into the cage when he's thirsty.

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Dave, I can't thank you enough for your reassurance. I was getting ready to make a Vet appointment. You may definitely be right about the drinking but she has not touched her food. I will try and change the food. Thanks so much!!!

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Gosha- Welcome to the forums! I was wondering what it is that you feed your Grey? Has your Grey ever been to the vet for a routine checkup? Also, about not wanting to go into the cage, I have that issue with all of my birds, they just want to stay out and play! So as far as that goes, I wouldn't worry about that. Dave had excellent advice about chnging the food, and trying something else, that is why I was curious what you Grey eats in the first place, as the diet may need to be modified anyhow.

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Hi gosha and welcome to the grey forum.

Dave 007 gave you some very good advice.

Living with a grey is like living with child. One day they like one thing and the next day they don`t.

My grey is eleven years old and we had her all her life and sometimes I think I am bringing up my son all over again.

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Hello Gosha and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and your grey. BTW, what is your grey's name?

Dave is right as always, they will go back into their cage if thirsty enough and maybe it is time to try some new foods to change things up, he changed things for you so throw him a curve ball and see what happens.

We would love to see some pictures of your grey if you have some you would share with us.

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