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Good Morning. I have a concern that I am hoping that someone can help me address. I have an African Grey that is about 10 years old. Yesterday she started acting kind of weird. Her appetiate and playing and talking habits are normal but refuses to go into her cage. She is not eating or drinking inside but has a great appetiaite when I feed her from my hands.

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How do her droppings look? It may be something happened inside her cage to frighten her. Perhaps she fell (Greys can be clumsy) or there may have been a loud noise that unsettled her. If she has a window view she may have seen something scary out the window. You might try feeding her treats only inside the cage, moving the cage to another location or covering one side with a sheet or cloth to help her feel sheltered.

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I wouldn't advise you to move the cage because of the bird's present behavior. Your bird isn't doing anything unusual but moving the cage may make hinm nervous and he may pluck even more.

The droppings sound perfectly normal so going to a vet is really unnecessary. Not going in a cage is no reason to go to a vet.

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Their droppings are often an indicator of two things-what they ate and general health. Colored foods and pellets can change the look of droppings, red pellets or foods making it look like blood. If they drink a great deal of liquid they will have very watery droppings. Do keep an eye on them here is a link for some insight http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/droppings.html

this link has photos http://www.wingwise.com/droppings.htm

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Did you give her new cups or her food? Have you tried dumping everything, cleaning & refilling it? But really, it sounds from what you've posted like something may be making her nervous enough that she's not eating while she's in the cage. She's more comfortable whenever she's w/you, so she's getting what she can from your hand.


So I'd try taking her out & letting her eat until she's full. Clean the cups & refill them w/anything that you know she'll tuck into, even if it isn't the healthy stuff. If that works, great.


If not, then you'll need to find out what's causing the problem, obviously. Remove any new toys, perches or anything you've recently put near her cage or where she can see it. If she's ok about cage cleaning, I'd clean her cage (are you using anything new for a cage liner?) while she watches.


Meanwhile, try not to act like you're all that concerned. Our birds pick up our emotions, so your anxiety will feed hers. The more normal you can act, the easier it will be for your fid to work thru this.


Hopefully, something's just rattled her cage & you'll probably be able to work it out w/a little TLC & some detective work.

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Thanks again Dave. It just really concerns me that she is not eating in the cage but is eating things that i am giving her by hand. I tried putting her favorites in the cage but she just wont go in


Well you just answered your own question---keep feeding your bird all her favorite things by hand and she'll have no reason to go and get her food. After all, you're giving her custom service. AS long as she's eating be it from your hand or her bowl meas that she's not suffering any problems. You're simply spoiling her. Lots of people spoil their birds and it's common sense to wait for those favorite things. You're being a very naughty girl. Tsk,tsk, tsk.

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LOL!!! LOL!!! Yes she is definitely getting what she wants from me. Abosolutely nothing is different in her cage. Same food holder same food same everything. I guess I am just anxious about her not eating or drinking when I am not home. Thanks so much guys!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sooo agree with Dan! Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled! LOL! Aren't they all eventually? Remember, YOU are the parent, they are the bird. I repeat this to myself, all the time. It sucks, that I am always the " bad guy"... killer of all fun. I stick to my guns. When the fun is gone, Sophie is left with me. Who do you think she calls when she is scared or threatened? ME! I'm okay with that! Apparently, Sophie is as well. Nancy

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