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We have had Gilbert nine months now. We just traveled two thousand miles in a car and he is doing better than ever. We have had ups and downs but after getting online and reading that we have a new room, I went to do our night time routine. With David sitting on the sofa, Gilbert showed he was willing to come sit with us. I was able to capture my first videos! If you asked me about ten days ago, I would not have been able to tell you we reached this new milestone of Gilbert requesting scratches and attention. The first video is here

I can't believe he looked right into the iPhone and said "hey". This is how he asks for attention. Then, you can hear him do his little chicken cluck that is a kind of begging for more. Edited by katana600
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Our bonding sessions last less than five minutes. Gilbert really has been showing signs of wanting more interaction and he loves to have his head and neck scratched. He has been asking everyone for a scratch every time we walk past his cage today. It amazes me that he allows my husband and daughter to get in on the action. Just after I captured our first moments, he rested a bit, then walked close to me to ask for more.

This is typical of the struggle to enjoy a quiet moment. We took a breather, he had another sweet scratch and went to bed on a positive note. Just watching the video I am in awe of what a special boy he is and I just love his little face.
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Gilbert is incredibly gorgeous and insanely tiny!! I am so used to our comparably big Marcus that dear Gilbert looks like a wee button of a bird... my, but he is beautiful! Thank you for sharing that sweet little video of him with all of us, it's good to "meet" him at last! :)

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I know, he did seem tiny to me at first after having a CAG, but since I have Java to compare, I now think of him as my big boy. It is all a matter of reference. I will tell you his beak is more powerful and swift than my bigger boys ever were, they were still babies and hadn't developed the "hair trigger" that Gilbert has. I just melt when I hear that little "hey" he does when he is asking for an affectionate moment. The best thing of all is that just over a month ago, it would take him hours to calm down after one of those "jumps" and adrenaline rushes when he panicked. In the second video he was vocalizing his discontent but then came right back to try again. Every day just gets better and better. I am glad you like him!

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Thanks Ray, this week has been a really good one for Gilbert. I was apprehensive about putting him in the car again, but my concerns were for naught. He just seems to gain more trust with his worldly experiences. I was just thinking on our way home he has been through a quarter of the states in this country. My daughter saw him again when she joined us and said how much she misses our rag tag little buddy. I keep thinking it will be time for a molt and he will regrow beautiful feathers as we complete the circle of changes in his life. I treasure this opportunity to have a second chance with him. We needed each other. Also, I weighed him tonight and at 335 grams, he is a petite little fellow. He really has turned a corner. Where he would usually duck into his cage when anyone approached, it is the opposite now. As soon as anyone comes into the room, or gets up from a chair where he can see us, he comes out to the door and makes his little cluck, or says "hey" and tucks his head for a scratch. For a few weeks now he has only permitted us to touch his head if he were safely behind the bars. Slowly, we add one more little step in the bridge that brings him out of his cage and into our arms. He even stepped off the cage door for my husband where before he would only go to him if Gilbert was startled and jumped down to the floor. One thing is for certain, we all appreciate the improvements that have been hard won. We see a lot less trembling and panic moments lately. We measure our progress in grey time and his relaxed posture is better than winning the lottery.

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How absolutely sweet that he is tucking his head down for scritches !!!! It's the best feeling in the world when they finally start to ask to be touched... As you know, I'm just a few wks. into this also & I still savor each moment that Roscoe allows me to touch him. It's been close to two years coming and he still freaks & does that lightning fast lunge to bite like Gilbert does. It's so difficult for both our boys to relax 100% but it is getting better. Our 15 min. sessions in the late evening have expanded to 60-90 minutes !!! He can't get enough...

Like Karen said, Gilbert is a "wee button of a bird" but so incredibly cute !!! That instant in your vid where he looks up at you w/ his head slightly turned is totally the cutest little face ever !!! I love the little clucks and "Hey" to ask you for interaction... Roscoe reminds me of a big, pigeon-toed crow as he struts across the floor to me LOL.. He turns into such a cuddlebug when he wants scritches... Instead of bowing, he stretches his neck out on the top of my pillow, holds the pillowcase in the tip of his beak and closes his eyes. He also will nuzzle into my shirt. He doesn't cluck or talk, just beaks my finger in between a minute or two of petting. He also does that lightning fast bite like Gilbert once in a while during it. Again, they are just beginning to relax. "Trust" is such a big big word... Mixed in w/ the panic moments, I'll take whatever he dishes out for all the those sweet seconds of lovin' !!!

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Wow Gwen, you are really getting into the big time with an hour or more of closeness. Gilbert gets less than a minute in and needs a rest. I like having him just near my shoulder and I leave him wanting more. Slowly, slowly he is beginning to bring himself a little closer to me. Nothing has surprised and delighted me like the moment just a couple of weeks ago when he came ever closer to the side of my head and nudged me with a little "hey", it was the first time every that he was the one to initiate contact. I first heard his little "hey" when I came up from sewing because he had gotten quiet. There he was on the wooden tv tray, just an inch of the floor, but "perched". So casually and nonchalantly, he said that first "hey". It is my favorite word now.

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:D Look how far he's come!! So much progress in so short a time ...in spite of how long it seemed while you were actually getting here. All the positive interaction w/so many people. Love that Gilbert decided to charm the hotel staff! Greyt to hear that he's getting so comfortable w/the rest of the family. Gilbert's progress is even more impressive because he's not just making these huge strides w/a favorite who he's managed to create a bond with.


Way to go Gilbert!! This really is such a perfect year end story for Grey Forums. :cool:

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Thanks! The time spent waiting for him to learn that good things are around every corner has been key. As he gets more settled all the time, we all have confidence to push the boundaries just a little as they become more "elastic". I feel so incredibly blessed that he is giving us our very own little Christmas miracle. I think all of us sleeping in one room in the hotel with him and Java reinforced our "flock". Everyone who was in that little room became his "intimates". Not to mention "roosting" in a vehicle for nearly forty hours of togetherness. It really did accelerate our circle of trust. It could have gone any direction. There is something very calming to him to be able to see us while we sleep. I took some good advice to leave a night light burning and it has been almost the same magic elixir as the limeade. He has decided to come out of his cage to sit next to me during the daytime now too. It is so fun to scratch him, then go back to the computer and five minutes later, I look over and he is still bowed and waiting for another scratch. He looks like a little monk in meditation.

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Yes Dee... Roscoe is really in for the long haul!!! A couple of nights I actually had to end our session because I was falling to sleep. Charlie went to bed ahead of me & Roscoe was in his glory to have me to himself.. Like I said, he doesn't bow all the time. When I'm on the floor w/ him he's like velcro to my body. When I roll away, he puts his head down like a snowplow & runs to stay up next to me... He then nuzzles his face into me & if I don't start to pet, massage or scritch... he will grab my clothes & try to "pinch" a little skin w/ it to get my attention. He really soaks up the contact. Anyway, I stood up & reached down in front of him saying, Time to go to bed, Step up.... The first few times he complied & went to bed... The last two nights when I get up & say it's time, he turns around & walks away ... I couldn't resist.. my baby wasn't ready so I laid back down for a few more minutes. He gets so relaxed that his sleep lids cover his eyes & once in a while he opens them up to peek at me & then right back to sleep. I, again got up--I literally have to scoop my hand toward him to step up. I really think he would stay on the floor cuddling all night !!

Back to Gilbert... he has far exceeded Roscoe in his own ways !! I would give anything if I could take my bird in the car with me --- let alone have interaction with anyone besides me.... With company over he won't even talk until we leave the room. Your Gil is very well socialized and traveled !!! :)

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Gilbert doesn't have near the long term tolerance as Roscoe. I have not tried to lie on the floor yet, but I would do anything if it gave him a little more security. He seems to always want to stay just at arm's length and have me come to him. I love that he will step up for others, but they have also learned to ask for a step up, stay right next to his cage and the second he looks back they ask if he wants to go back and he is in a big hurry to go. They have plied him with almonds for months. At first he would discard their offerings with scorn, but gradually he has overcome that reluctance to look to others as friends. Every day I see tiny little glimmers of the parrot he really wants to be. He did get startled off his cage yesterday and was growling. I was a little reluctant to offer my hand while he was growling, but he came running to me and lifted his foot, growling the whole time. I put him on his blanket on the back of the sofa and he continued to growl but he tucked his head. He would let me scratch, but made quieter growls until he finally closed his eyes and relaxed completely and his growl sounded more like a purr. It was as confusing to me as it was to him but I just went with his body language and he was asking for reassurance and quieted himself little by little. I just see that as a good sign that he is conflicted but willing to try. It is a very fine line between encouragement and pushing where he is concerned. Every day is a new day and I am just happy that he keeps moving in a positive direction. I will take what I can get and be happy with him if he stayed exactly where he is, but keep open minded and give him room to grow closer if he has that capacity.

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As I read your post about Gilbert I see that he is reaching out to you but he wants this on his terms and that is ok because you both have come half way to make this work and in the end this is the best way for a relationship to work and be strong. There is a place in the middle and you both will come to terms.

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Thanks Ray, it is slow and steady with our little charge. To my knowledge he hasn't been abused, but perhaps neglected and misunderstood along the way. After his first home with his beloved, he wasn't willing to accomodate any other home so I am aware this is a long haul if we are going to make any progress at all. His terms seem to change with the wind, LOL. I am learning when to be steady and when to rock his boat just a little to change things just a little, just enough that he doesn't just hunch up in a corner and withdraw completely. I do think the day will come when he learns to play and to be the carefree little bird I know he could be. If ever any character is worthy of a second chance, I think his will be successful in the long term. I have read many posts in the forum about grey time and not to have a timetable of expectations and that is about the best advice everyone can give us doing this for the first time. I know for certain, if it were not for this forum, I would have no clue on how to approach him with any hope for success. Thanks to everyone for the vision of a happy healthy TAG, 2012 is going to be a good year!

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I have to say, I am a fan of Gilbert's. I think you are going to make great progress with him, and I look forward GREATLY to reading updates in the future about how much he loves to play and interact with you. I think 2012 is going to be a great year for both of you.

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Thanks Dawl, I have been following Barnaby and rooting for you too. When someone who has worked with a bird with "issues" says it is going well and is sure to get better and better, it makes my heart sing. We still tread lightly with Gilbert and it is taking a while for him to warm up, but the idea that someday he might be light hearted and playful and will find his potential, it just warms me through and through. I just love this new room and a place for all of us to share the unpacking of baggage and the new life we have together.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love it. How old is Gilbert? I'm sure it's just coincidence, but I also can't help but wonder if the season/time of year has something to do with his 'breakthrough' as I just had one with my 14 year old (18 months with us) TAG as well. Unlike you, I got a little too excited and perhaps pushed him back a little bit, but we're still on better terms than we were 2 weeks ago. It's great to see the payoff for all of the patience (yours and mine).

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I would give anything if I could take my bird in the car with me --- let alone have interaction with anyone besides me.... With company over he won't even talk until we leave the room.


Someday, Gwen, I think you will look back and remember these issues through the veil of time that smudges the edges a bit... that is how I feel with Marcus. I remember getting annoyed with my hubby once because he just turned to me and said of Marcus, "He's never going to step up!" and to me, that was so discouraging. But I just said something about how we'll see... and we'll see, indeed! He still won't step-up for my husband, really, except onto his lovely couch cushion :) but Marcus steps up for me all the time now! So it's like those months where he wouldn't, were just a dream. I really don't even think about those difficulties anymore; I'm just so glad that Marcus is well on his way to acting like a normal, healthy parrot--and surprising us immensely in the process! Who would've thought he could be such a wonderful clown?? :) <3


We still tread lightly with Gilbert and it is taking a while for him to warm up, but the idea that someday he might be light hearted and playful and will find his potential, it just warms me through and through.


He will, Dee, he will! :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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