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Hi, my name is Steve, and I just joined the forum last week. I live on the Central Coast of California.

"Taylor" is my 2 year-old Grey. I adopted him when he was just 3 months old. He's just the most amazing little "boy".

My partner Ken has had his Amazon, "Paco",for nearly 25 years. He's a real "charmer". After living with Paco for 10 years, we thought it was time I should adopt my own little "guy". So now we're a real bird "family"

I found the forum while researching some answers about wing clipping and feather plucking.

Thank you for great dialogue. So glad to have found all of you, and I hope to contribute as I find my way around the site. It's an amazing place.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Steve and Ken, glad you could join us, we look forward to hearing more about you two and your greys.:)


Thanks for the great compliment, we like to think we are a nice bunch of greyt owners who care for one another and love to help out in whatever way we can.


If you have some pictures of your greys, please feel free to post them, we would love to see them, as you can tell from looking at our site, we love photos.:P

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Thanks, everyone, for the nice reception. I can see this is going to be a great experience.

Paco and Taylor are quite the little "characters".These two are a "hoot". Taylor is quite the little "boy", and is so interested in playing with Paco. Paco merely tolerates him for now. More later.

Thanks again,


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