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Daily Routines?


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:confused: I was just trying to think of a routine for myself and my future grey. I was hoping that some of you nice people can help me figure out what to do and when to do it. I know I sound stupid I just want our lives together to run smooth. I work mon-fri from 8am to 430pm I am home all weekend. I need to know how much time in the morning should I didicate to my baby before leaving for work at 740am. When I get home at around 440pm I make dinner and eat and shower the usually things. we always eat as a family My mom lives with us and she is home all day long. She is excited as well about our future baby. So what kind of daily routines do you have to make your lives together go smoothly? Please include what you feed them and when you feed them Thanks and so sorry to be a pain :)

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With having some kind of parrot all my adult life, I have learned never never never start a routine. I never do the anything at the same time every day. What time I am up, I always let them out of their cages, clean all dishes, give fresh foods, seeds, and pellets and water. and change the paper in the bottom. We always have a one on one play time as well. Mine get pellets, seeds, and fresh veggies and fruit. I spray mine down everyday. Some people say a couple of times a week, but I do it everyday without cause. Spend as much time as possible with your grey, talk as much as u can.

Welcome to the forum, and your never a pain when you only want the best for the new addition.

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If it were me,I would allow at least 30 minutes in the morning if you can. Since yourmom lives with you will she be allowing out of cage time while you are gone? You said that when you get home you eat dinner, take a shower ect. If it were me I would have my grey eat dinner, and shower with me whenever possible. These are 2 great things to do when wanting to spend quality time with your fid. Hopefully this gives you a general idea, but I wouldn't necessarily set up an exact schedule.

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I advise nor forming a routine, if you do then your bird will be less malleable to any changes in your life or routine. Living with 2 Cockatoos as well as the Grey flock has convinced me than keeping them flexible is a must. Cockatoo's will loudly insist on a routine never deviating if they are used to one. Grey while a bit more loose on the timelines still favor maintaining any routines. So for your sanity and to cover any changes you may have ahead-avoid routine keep it a little off the expected.

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I used to have a set schedule when I has 1 parrot. Then life changed, I got divorced, moved into a new house, acquired 2 more parrots, and became the person financially responsible for my 3 kids that lived with me. So things changed. Most mornings, I get my 3 birds out of their cages, they hang out on their baskets on the counter while i prepare breakfast for them and myself, we have breakfast together, I am able to allow them free time in the house for about an hour or So, then we all go upstairs to shower etc. pretty much after them having been out for about 3 hours or so, they go back to their cages and I give them a snack as well as their regular food.

Other days, when I have many errands to do, I like to do the early in the morning after getting the kids to school and going to the gym, I uncover their cages and give them toast in their cages until I can get back later. They seem fine with this as long as I don't do it every single day, ( they have been spoiled with ME time)

I let my birds out as much as possible when I am home and they are spoiled.

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A routine is good but not a rigid one where if you deviate from it then panic ensues. I pretty much follow a routine to a degree but allow some flexibility so they are not surprised when something different is thrown into the mix. My flock isn't out on mornings I go to work as there is too much to do before leaving for work but as soon as I get home they are out for the evening and spend lots of time out on the weekends. They usually have a set bedtime but are uncovered earlier on work days versus the weekends when I get a little more sleep, they stay quiet until I uncover them.

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possibly when she feels comfortable she would let him/her out while I am at work but I cant say for sure


Talon was my sons bird, and it wasn't more than a couple of days if that before I was taking her out to be with me while my son was in school! she was so cute I couldn't stand the thought ofmher being locked in a cage all day....

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I do follow a routine in the morning. Evening is different. I leave for work at 7;20. I get up at 5:30am. Pups go out. I shower. Dogs get fed, go out again. Meanwhile, Sophie is already in kitchen. Hangin with me. Lots to say. I shower. She waits for me to be done. We hang out. She helps me get food ready for birds. She eats a bite of chicken I have saved for her. She enjoys having a certain routine in the morning. Weekends, I don't get up until 8am. She adjusts. Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe in routine. I have always treated my birds, like they were my kids. You are lucky, your mom will be home. You can ask her to work on your goals for baby. Why wouldn't you want to establish routine? I don't understand. You are the parent! Birds will adapt to change in routine, if necessary. What they like is.... "I trust my mom or dad, to make changes if necessary". What doesn't work, is letting a grey dictate the agenda. YOU are the parent. Of course, I am not always Sophie's favorite person. I make the rules, and never stray from them. BUT.... when all the "fun" people aren't around, I am her favorite person. LOL Nancy

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