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Some questions and pix ...


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hello everyone heres my african grey (mano) his almost 9 months old

so i have a problem i went to this local parrot shop and i took mano with me just to check it out and stuff


The owner of the shop shes been selling parrot/birds for years

and she was telling me that mano is not a congo he looks more like a tag

or mix with tag and congo because she said that his realy dark and i been confused since then i bought it him because i wanted a congo.. so here are some pix check it out.. and let me know what you guys think.. is it a congo or tag ?


another question - about the skin around his eyes .. it always looked red .. and it is suppose to be like that ? or is he loosing the small lil feathers from there ?








Edited by dhillon88
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100% cag


as far as the red on the skin around the eyes. i posted a thread about that myself and was informed by the members here that its called blushing. i googled it and its true parrots do blush, you just see it more on cags and mcaws because of the lack of feathers around the eyes. they blush of various reasons, i have noticed that my cag does it when i get home from work and she is happy to see me. she will start climbing around in her cage, whistling and blushing.

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I'm talking bout the pink skin around the eyes with no feathers its just the redish pinkish skin


That's called Pink Blush and many greys periodically get it. It stays a short time. There's nothing to worry about. They also get it when nervous or tense. Again, nothing to worry about.

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one more question fellas ..

he only eats peanuts all the time.. he doesnt eat anything . may be sunflower seed and dried fruit here and there

but if i give him peanuts hill eat it all day long lol...

is there any good or bad affect ? by peanut

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i just wanted a cag because they talked more than tag ? that was the only reason

but thnx anyway

I see. In practise there is no difference between GAGs and TAGs as far as talking ability or intelligence go. The fact is not all Greys will be good talkers but if you respect your Greys intelligence and explain to him what you are doing he will learn to associate words and phrases with events and objects. If he has a whistled contact call, learn it and call it back to him. It would be good to give him one if he does not seem to have one. He can use it to contact you when you are out of sight. Some have said you should not encourage your bird to whistle if you want it to talk but that is a mistaken idea. It is important to him that you copy his calls. This is the way Greys and other parrots bond with each other and develop relationships.It will also give him the idea of copying your speech. He won't necessarily understand words the way you do but he will try to get meaning from them. Misty still uses the call he taught me when I first adopted him at two years old ( Him not me:) )

My GAG Misty has taught himself by listening and observing and he is able to communicate basic ideas and observations with me. Greys are very tuned in to picking up cues that you give out. For example if Misty sees me pick up my mobile and put my glasses in my pocket he knows I am going out and he will say "Got to go out" before I can tell him but not if he just sees me pick up only my phone or only my glasses. He can nearly always tell when I am about to end a phone conversation because he will say "Bye bye" before I do. He will also say "Bye bye" as I go out but not if I just leave the room. But as I have said treat your CAG so that he sees you as an equal and you wont go far wrong.


Steve n Misty

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one more question fellas ..

he only eats peanuts all the time.. he doesnt eat anything . may be sunflower seed and dried fruit here and there

but if i give him peanuts hill eat it all day long lol...

is there any good or bad affect ? by peanut

Junk food indeed. Who ever had him before you had no idea on proper feeding. Fresh fruit and veggies as well as a variety of nuts such as almonds and cashews are much better. It may help if he sees you eat these foods. Good for you too! Another advantage for having a parrot in your life! Greys are social eaters so if practical eat with him. Much of what you eat is OK but avoid salt and fats. Chocolate and avocados are poison to Greys. Check out the food and health forum. Never feed peanuts in shells that are not human grade and particularly if they have been exposed to damp. They can be a serious source of aflatoxin from Aspergillus fungas.This is deadly! In fact damp grain, nuts or mouldy veg can be also. To much sunflower can also cause liver problems due to it's high fat content.


Steve n Misty

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So what is a person to do if they can't whistle? I have never been able to whistle. Any ideas on a substitute?


Just purse your lips so there is a small roundish gap and gently expel air. Don't blow to hard. You may need to try different mouth shapes and tongue positions but persevere and you will soon be able to annoy all your friends and loved ones .It is worth doing because your Greys will love you even more!





Steve n Misty

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