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Joe Bachi

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Hey all,

Today during our training session Mikko and I were able to make noticeable progress :)

He stepped up on my hand (as usual) and allowed me to move him from the bottom perch to the high one, and we also did it the other way around :D

And if that wasn't enough for one day, he also allowed me to touch his head feathers:

I was caressing his beak (something which he has come to enjoy) and when I withdrew my hand, I noticed that he was lowering his head as if he was telling me that more cuddling would be welcomed, so I gently touched his head for a brief second before he raised his head again (I of course gave him a treat). He allowed me to do it a second time too ;D

Just wanted to share my joy

Hope he keeps up that progress rhythm



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This just in:

More progress, this time it's huge,

today during our training session Mikko allowed me to clip his nails !

No towel no restraints no nothing!

I just showed him the clippers and once he was done playing with them i went straight to buisness; i positionned them around the nail while he was standing on a perch in his cage and clipped right away :D

he didn't even notice he was being groomed! And made no reaction at all. When i was done i gave him a lot of treats lol.

Not too bad for a wild caught ;D



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