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Killing Parrots Softly


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I saw this video earlier, and it really made me upset... but seeing this makes me proud to have rescue birds, and it shows me what a difference in a parrots life that we can make! This is happening every day, all around us! I wanted to share this with other rescue parronts so that we may all get a reminder on why we do what we do, and why what we do is so very important!


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I don't watch videos like this either based on what you wrote. It kills me to watch any bird, animal, child or person suffer in any way shape or form. It's not that I live in the world with rose colored glasses on, it's just if I can't do anything to stop it, I am heartbroken, devastated and can't bear to see suffering....:(

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I don't watch videos like this either based on what you wrote. It kills me to watch any bird, animal, child or person suffer in any way shape or form. It's not that I live in the world with rose colored glasses on, it's just if I can't do anything to stop it, I am heartbroken, devastated and can't bear to see suffering....:(


I agree Talon, believe me. It is very hard to watch things like this, and some people really can't bear to see it. I hate to see suffering as well, but I am glad videos like this exist. It raises awareness for people that would not normally think that problems like this exist. There are a lot of people out there that do not keep parrots that are not well aware of the problems with wild trapping in other countries, and the bad conditions some people even here in our country keep birds in. I think it is a good thing to have these materials so readily available to educate the general public so that they can get involved.


I also encourage people to visit the World Parrot Trust website at http://parrots.org to take action, and get involved in helping stop wild trapping of Parrots. They have a "Save The Greys" fundraiser that I like to be involved in, and they also have other

ways to help besides donation, like spreading the word about the problem so that more people can be aware. They actually were just successful in the rescue and rehabilitation of 1200 trapped Greys in Camaroon, and are now trying to save 500 greys that were trapped in the Congo.


I suppose I just try to stay informed as much as I can so that I can help, but I do understand that sometimes it is very hard to watch things like this. Hopefully it will inform just one random person that happens to visit this site.

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I won't watch the video as I can't look at any kind of cruelty. I will say that I have my limits on parrots. Two from breeders and my re-homed amazon. I will not be purchasing anymore for myself personally. EXCEPT, if I accidentally run into a parrot that needs a new home then I will take him/her in.

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They should be playing a video like that in a pet store with a sign that says "If you buy us, please love us".


(Again, I have not watched but I have seen enough like it) Too bad there is no place where people go for common sense or some natural indicator to people who treat animals badly which corrects their understanding of how these animals feel very much like we do.


Being a member of a forum like this among bird lovers, we are all acutely aware of the situation. I always look directly into Isaac's eyes and thank him so much for being my companion and being the center of my love. I am the lucky one for sure as he has already given his freedom to be with me. So every single day, I feel for him as I leave the house and again come home. If I have to stay at work as much as a couple of minutes later than normal...I immediately begin to feel for my baby. I am so strongly connected and in tune with my baby that when I see something bad happen to a bird, it guts me clean. How someone could allow something so devestating happen to such a beautiful creature. It makes me think of how people on Earth have in the past starved to death, or were imprisoned under harsh condistions with minimal food and freedom, and how that effects those people and the world that gets a gaze into such horrors. It is my greatest wish that we make all life equal and know that what we do to animals is an equal weight of what it would be like to have it done unto you.


Again, preaching to the choir, but it's too bad there is no common place where "humanity morons" congregate. Most are doing it out of ignoreance. How long can they ignore the world around them is what I ask. Is there no common aspiration to become greater as a species. Nope...too much money to be earned and too many asses to be saved by narrowing the focus and just getting down to business.


Anyway, I ramble...thanks for listening.

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I, for one, did watch the whole thing through. Personally, that clip that was once shared in the Grey Lounge once was something I couldn't watch, the one that showed the Greys getting trapped in the wild. That was like a slap in the face and a knife in the heart. Yet while I had big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks by the end of this video, I didn't find it nearly as eviscerating on one level, and yet I had to walk into the birdroom to peek in on my flock afterward--and seeing them in their cages was kind of bittersweet, it was suddenly like, Why are you here with me, and not flying free like you should? The song they put with those images was more than perfect, I need a copy of that, "Imprisoned Bird"--in Chinese! (The subtitles certainly helped!) The images of the self-muitlation and the neglect were horrible, but the images of the happy parrots, free as well as with loving owners, made me smile through the sadness. This whole world is upside-down and there is a lot of pain mixed in with a lot of joy. I don't believe it will be this way forever.

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I, for one, did watch the whole thing through. Personally, that clip that was once shared in the Grey Lounge once was something I couldn't watch, the one that showed the Greys getting trapped in the wild. That was like a slap in the face and a knife in the heart. Yet while I had big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks by the end of this video, I didn't find it nearly as eviscerating on one level, and yet I had to walk into the birdroom to peek in on my flock afterward--and seeing them in their cages was kind of bittersweet, it was suddenly like, Why are you here with me, and not flying free like you should? The song they put with those images was more than perfect, I need a copy of that, "Imprisoned Bird"--in Chinese! (The subtitles certainly helped!) The images of the self-muitlation and the neglect were horrible, but the images of the happy parrots, free as well as with loving owners, made me smile through the sadness. This whole world is upside-down and there is a lot of pain mixed in with a lot of joy. I don't believe it will be this way forever.


So very well said! This video was tough for sure, and I have also seen the video of Greys being trapped in the wild, and it was awful. BUT, as you said, the happy parrots they show in this vid are so wonderful to see. It is as if they are trying to say, "this is what you should be doing, I am worth all of your love". I am online sometimes late at night, and there are sometimes up to 50 guests on the forum. These people could be thinking of getting a grey, or any bird for that matter, and I want them to see what not taking proper care of your bird can do.

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They should be playing a video like that in a pet store with a sign that says "If you buy us, please love us".


I agree. I was avoiding this thread and this video for few days now and today I finally decided that I will watch it. Bloody hell!! It made me cry so hard that I do not want to see it ever again! Just can't handle all the cruelty of which man is capable:-((( We can be so heartless sometimes:-(((

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I agree. I was avoiding this thread and this video for few days now and today I finally decided that I will watch it. Bloody hell!! It made me cry so hard that I do not want to see it ever again! Just can't handle all the cruelty of which man is capable:-((( We can be so heartless sometimes:-(((


I agree so much Morana! It is so incredibly heart breaking what man is capable of. This video is definitely hard to watch, but I do love the birds through it that are so incredibly loved by their owners. I love the ones that have their wings around one another as if they are saying "everything is going to be alright now, you are safe. My mommy will love you".

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Here in Georgia there is a rescue that houses over 600 birds with free flight as their goal for all who are able. It takes a lot of time, money and dedication to maintain a place like that. Volunteers are always welcome, many just to feed and love the birds! Maybe there is some place like that near you. Feathered Friends is about 1.5 hours from me. My time with Shadow has encouraged me to want to help other birds feel the love that Shadow is able to have from me. And I have to say, the video made me want to help even more!

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Here in Georgia there is a rescue that houses over 600 birds with free flight as their goal for all who are able. It takes a lot of time, money and dedication to maintain a place like that. Volunteers are always welcome, many just to feed and love the birds! Maybe there is some place like that near you. Feathered Friends is about 1.5 hours from me. My time with Shadow has encouraged me to want to help other birds feel the love that Shadow is able to have from me. And I have to say, the video made me want to help even more!


I have to believe a city as large as San Diego or somewhere nearby here in CA will have something similar...I will find something. I would love to take my daughter and show her this kind of thing. Maybe one of the best ways to change the world is to change its children. Show how love is not always kissing and hugging...but sometimes it means gaining trust.


As my love for birds seems to keep on growing....I am constantly amazed at how connected I feel with birds. The mere sight of a bird will always make me smile...it simply never fails. So my aspiration is to share my love with as many as I can. I kind of saw this coming when I was at a pet store kissing all of their birds. LOL. But I feel this drive to help mishomed birds even though I cannot personally home them myself. I guess this is what my best friend Isaac tought me. I have totally changed since he came into my life.

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Whoo hoo...looking good!


So I just filled out the application and submitted to be a volunteer. We will see where it goes and i will keep you posted. I have no idea what awaits....all I know is I want to change the course of some little bird lives.


Volunteering is such an important job, and I just know you will be great at it! I volunteer when I can at Phoenix Landing here in NC. It has been an amazing experience, and you learn so much from it. Also, I agree that to change the world is to change the children. I have 4 daughters myself, and I strive every day to teach them the importance of love, and a trusting bond between us and our animal friends.


I know there are a lot of people that did not want to watch the video, but even without watching it, it makes us think of the birds out there that need our help, and makes us want to help change their lives. Please keep us updated on your application status!

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I am going to my Volunteer Orientration on January 14th @ 10AM. :) I am excited.


I guess I never thought about how cool it would be to work with animals and particularly birds. Having Isaac really brought to the surface, how wonderful birds are to me.

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You are going to love it! I spent about 8 years in the rescue world with cats and dogs...fostered over 500! I left that world for family reasons and now I am thinking it's time to go back. This time with birds!!

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I am going to my Volunteer Orientration on January 14th @ 10AM. :) I am excited.


I guess I never thought about how cool it would be to work with animals and particularly birds. Having Isaac really brought to the surface, how wonderful birds are to me.


That is so very awesome, and you should be very proud of yourself! It takes a very kind heart to volunteer at a rescue/shelter/sanctuary. Let me know how it goes, and have a great time! You will be changing so many lives!

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I have a question. Aren't you a bit afraid, while volunteering at a "bird shelter" that you won't bring some kind of ailment to your bird home?


Trust me...I have already thought of this...that is how I know I am ready for this. There is a solution to every problem as long as you care to solve it.

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Agreed. As log as he showers and changes clothes immediately after coming home, I think things will be fine. You can also ask other volunteers what they do, as I am sure many of them have birds at home. When I volunteer, I shower, change, and use antibacterial soap, and hand sanitizer after my shower. You can never be too careful. :)

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