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Improvement With Gracie


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As some of you know, I was pushing Gracie a bit too much too soon and she became wary of me and didn't want to step up as eagerly as before.

Well, I have resoloved to make her feel she has choice and not pressure her to do anything she is not ready for. My only concern was that when I have to leave my condo I need her to step up so I can get her back into her cage safely.

Today I had to go out of my condo twice and needed Gracie to step up from her cagetop. At first I just put my hand up and said "step up". She resisted and moved away from my hand. Then I said, "Gracie wanna go back?" (This is what I say when I put her back in her cage). She looked at me and then moved to the edge of the cage where she steps up to go back into her cage. I put my hand up, repeated "Gracie wanna go back? Step up" and she did step up without any problem.

Now I wondered if it was just a fluke because I have only had Gracie 2 weeks ,and I wasn't sure if she understood what I was saying. Then a few hours later, I needed to go out again, and I again said, "Gracie wanna go back?" She promptly walked back to the place on her cage where she steps up to go back in and stepped up my finger to go back in her cage.

What I learned from this experience is that it really helps to verbalize to Gracie why I want her to step up. When she knows I am going to put her back in her cage, she is fine because she likes her cage with the toys, food, and water. If I just say "step up"--she doesn't know why. She might worry that I may try to make her do something she doesn't want to do (Like putting her in the Pak O Bird carrier and carting her off in my car to an unknown place like I did on Christmas Eve). But when I said "wanna go back?"--it appears that she knew that meant the safety of her cage and she happily agreed. Maybe I was just lucky--but it really seemed she understood me.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Very nice to see this post. I'd say you've made some major progress in what, just 24 hrs? You slowed down, listened & communicated & it's already paying off pretty well.


You got a little insight, too, apparently. Yes, Gracie understands you surprisingly well by now. A lot of it is your body language, energy level & tone of voice. Maybe the familiar rythm of the words whether she really knows the words themselves yet. When a grey is motivated, they're scary quick to learn. Wait until you actually see it for yourself. It's one thing to have read that they're so smart, but an entirely other thing to experience it for the first time. And you get to live w/this marvelous creature from now on. ;)


Good day. Good news. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Great job JeffNOK, she is doing absolutely fantastic in such a short period of time.Sometimes its just a matter of communication that they like! I believe ( truly), Gracie is going to be an amazing bird. When I adopted Sophie at age two, ( she left an amazing home, a racecar driver that was not home alot), I asked him " whats your best advice for Sophie"? He said.... ALWAYS listen to her. She will guide you. He was sooo right. Nancy

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I was away and missed the posts earlier, but you definitely are a quick study. Gracie will teach you things you would not have dreamed nor planned. It does my heart so much good that you would adjust your methods and meet Gracie more than half way. Sometimes I forget to explain things and sometimes I get a bite on my thumb to remind me to do better the next time. LOL. It is astute on your part to think of how Gracie is receiving many changes at one time and to give her the grace to come to you on her terms when it is possible. I really appreciate your sharing this. No matter how much time I spend with my parrots, I still have to learn to slow down and meet them where they are at any given time.

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One other step in the right direction is how Gracie is communicating with me. A few days ago when Gracie didn't want to be bothered she would do a bluff lunge or even give me a little nip. Since I have backed off, Gracie no longer does that. If she doesn't want to be bothered she just lowers her head and lightly touches her beack to my hand--very gently. I just say "OK Gracie" and give her space. When I return later she happily steps up. I'm just so happy things are heading back on the right path.

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Jeffnok... youre getting it! On the other hand, I want to make sure you know, her lowering her head, affectionately rubbing your hand, she is demonstrating TRUST! This is an amazing accomplishment, and you shouldn't take it lightly! This demonstration of affection, in my mind, is equal to 90% of training. I tend to key in on certain behaviors. This is one of them!!! Good job! Nancy

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