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Could some one give me some advice as i`m unsure what i should do?


There is a lady that has a Cag (breeder where i got kya my cag from) and she is in hospital in a bad way. I was asked that if things went wrong (lets pray not) that she need someone to look after her cag charlie. I`m not sure how old he is but i do know he was givin back to her from a marrage that broke up. Now he is a very scared grey and dives for the bottom of the cage when large objects move anywhere near him?. i`ve had parrots for 3 years now and i`m always learning new things and i know greys are this way as mine was for a while and she still does now and then but very rare. Should i take charlie on is it something i can break him from not knowing what his back ground is fully?. I don`t want to take on something before i know what you guys can give me information wise :). Like i said nothing is set in motion as i hope all will be well with Ann and i`m not needed. Any help i`d be very greatfull.




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I would give the guy a home, it may take months to help him feel safe and gain his trust. It can be a long road but sometimes they will surprise us making progress in leaps and bounds or could remain somewhat fearful, it all depends on this bird and how he transitions. Even if he is this fearful he can and will make some progress towards normalcy. Search your heart and make the decision that is right for you, don't be swayed by me or others you need to decide for yourself what you feel capable of and comfortable with. If you are not comfortable then he won't feel good either. All the best either way.

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As Greywings said, it is your decision and I have no doubt given the knowledge you have gained over the last 3 years, plus all the help you may need that can a be accessed here. You would be fine and the grey could be in a great home should that need come to fruition.

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I agree with the above posts. I think you will be fully capable of giving this guy a great home, and with some work and diligence you can change his phobic behavior. It will take awhile, but it will be well worth it once he settles in, and you have gained a new great friend :) I say go for it if it comes to that.

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I hope you won't ever actually have to find out because his current owner makes a full recovery. But if that doesn't happen then I think you've probably learned more than you may realize from your time w/your fids. You have a pretty good support system here at GF. I have to guess that you've got the means to take on another fid or you wouldn't be considering it. That all certainly qualifies you as having good parront potential.


So the only thing is whether this poor little blighter has touched your heart enough to work thru his demons w/him & still love him for whoever he turns out to be. Sounds like you've got some pretty good potential there, too.

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