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It's 6:43 am here in WV. Getting kids up for school! Hubby has the day off today!;) It is raining and it looks like it's going to be an all day event! So good day to head back to bed for a bit!:evil: Hope everyone has a good day. I had my little doggies fixed yesterday and the poor things just aren't themselves yet! But good day to all!


And Tiff, I know all too well about something being put in my drink. I have a major horror story that would frighten any woman let me tell ya. I can't stress enough for everyone to be careful. Luckily I outgrew that stage of going out and partying every week. Now we are lucky if it's once a year lol. We mainly just have cookouts and bonfires up here now lol. We are getting old. But it's nice!

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You are not old Ronda, believe me, I should know for I am the old one here, and thanks Tiffani and Ronda for the warning about the drinks, you just never know anymore what some people will do, it is really scary to think about.


It is raining here too today, very dreary looking and they are also calling for a chance of thunderstorms too, now it is 10:53 am on a Tuesday morning:blink:

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Well it's only 28 here! And guess what? Judy is here to enjoy it too! lol. I haven't been able to get off the hill yet to meet her!!!:( We are stuck up here because of the ice and snow we got! So far we are at about 3 inches. Not much to speak of, but when your on a ridge and afraid to fall off it's a bunch lol. My daughter is actually at her friends house and the fire dept said they would bring her up to us if we wanted :laugh: Pays to have some ties in the county lol.

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You know Dan it really is! We lived in the big city of over 28,000 people about 6 years ago. Than we moved here, where the whole COUNTY not city, is only 4,000 people lol. Jessie and I have said here just lately that if we won the lottery we would stay right where we are! Of course build a nice house lol.


But the people here are great and little towns have their advantages as well as their disadvantages {Feel-good-000200BB} But more advantages! Great place to raise the youngins lol

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Well its 1:39 pm here in WI!!! Its 14 degrees and sunny. I sure wish we would get some snow, $ is getting a little tight!!! Thankfully Shane starts his new job on the 18th!! YAY!! The birds are all making the most possible noise today!! Pocco and Fawkes are having an interesting conversation together! For the most part its a good day here in WI!!!:)

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10:00am here, just drinking a cup of coffee. A high of 83 is expected today. I am about to pack a picnic lunch for my friend and I. We are throwing on our bathing suits and heading for the beach!


I'd day it's a great day for a swim in the ocean B)

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For crying out loud, get off your soapbox about the NY Giants zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Nice day today here in Virginia, but I had snow Saturday in WV where I was visiting my son and family, in fact it snowed so much Ronda couldn't come off her ridge to see me, but we are on for the next time.


Just waiting for spring to start and soon time to put in a garden, love those veggies.:P

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Poor poor Joe! I'm in the same boat for the most part lol. I'm a stay at home mom now. Been that way since Dec. I love it though, will give me some time to do some stuff to the house that I wanted to get in order.


But the snow is gone and the mud is back! It is like 40 here today. Went to the laundry mat to do clothes! I hate that! Picked up the kids, went over to my mom's, made some bird cage covers on her sewing machine. Picked up Jessie from work, fed horses, came home, cleaned kitchen, re-heated some left overs for dinner. Hate to waste stuff! And than do it all over again tomorrow lol. My mother in law and I say that we live the movie "Groundhog Day" cause we do the same things basically day in and day out. But guess that's life. So don't be sad Joe!!

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sunday 9.30pm its been a typical cold wet and windy day in england,watched american big brother for first time so different to ours, havent made up my mind wether i like it or not!!!watched american pop idol i prefer british version.Ive also been trying to create myspace page and am getting frustrated as im computer phobic lol but i will get there in the end i hope


love trish and babygirl xxx

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