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well, i am lucky i am not living in such cold climates. still I heard there is a difference between cold and cold. depending on the humidity factor amongst others. here when it is cold it gets right into your bones. in the netherlands when it is much colder than here you dress up warm and you are fine.

funny thing, weather :)

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You're so right, FairY. I had the pleasure of spending a couple of winter weeks in Iceland a few years ago, back to back with a couple of weeks in northern Maine. Temperature-wise, Iceland was much colder but Maine felt much colder.

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And speaking of cold, it's COLD here in eastern Virginia this morning. I know it sounds wimpy next to Talon's 7 degrees and LisaM's -7, but we just aren't used to below freezing temps and we're at "24F feels like 15" right now. Yesterday's snow melted a bit in the afternoon sun and has frozen hard, so I expect the traffic reporters will have a busy morning. At least today is a holiday for many in this area, so rush hour traffic shouldn't be quite as heavy.

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Its cold as blue blazes here too this morning at 10:26 am, single digits but the sun is shining and the snow is still hanging around, an old wife's tale is that is snow is still on the ground it is waiting for more to fall, bring it on.:blink:


I know Joe is a happy man today, his beloved Giants are going to the Super Bowl and I hope they win.:)

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There are truly different "cold" temps. Also, my dad calls from the Florida Keys and apologizes for complaining about when it gets down to the 60's...


60 degrees to him probably feels the same as 10 degrees does to me! So I say to him if the worst thing going on is that we have to complain about the weather than all is going pretty well, right?


Wherever you are, keep warm...and that means different things to different people in different places, right? (like the three girls who were wearing yellow bikini tops at the Packers/Giants game last night...apparently they REALLY wanted to get on TV. It worked.)


And Joe - I really didn't want the Giants to win but as a Vikings fan I had to cheer for them vs. the Packers! And then I REALLY had to hope the kicker made that final field goal attempt after missing the other two (even though the second wasn't really his fault). I felt so bad for him.


Take care, all!

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Yes, Kat that is exactly what I meant :)


Yesterday after I left home I found it was WARM :ohmy: Not summer warm, but the cold front that had come from Siberia that week before OBVIOUSLY has left us :lol:


I already feel a difference when I go to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is situated at a hill/mountain and temperatures there are usually colder than they are here in the Tel-Aviv area (they even get snow some years). But Tel-Aviv being near the sea and Jerusalem land inwards, Jerusalem weather isn't getting into your bones, as it does here, in Tel-Aviv area.


Now, the funny thing is that in the homes usually in the mornings it is colder than it is outside :laugh:

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I suppose houses there are built to retain the cool to ward off the summer heat, but in winter that works against you! It's so interesting to hear from folks in different parts of the world. You mentioned the Netherlands in a previous post. Does your work take you to these foreign parts?

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No, I was born and grew up in the Netherlands :) And, you are right again, Kat. These houses are build to keep cool inside. It would be nice if we would have central heating or something (new houses do have some kind of floorheating i believe) because the way it is now you either use an electric- or oil/gas heater that really doesn't warm the whole apartment or the airconditioner turned to heat - but that air that comes out of that is soooooo dry that it suffocated me (very strange is that when cold air comes out of it in the summer it doesn't seem dry at all and I am fine with it).


Anyway, y'day we had some rain. By far not as much as is necessary for the country but it was nice. I enjoyed it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Warm spell???? Whats that??? It is miserable here... It is freezing cold literally. The car was frozen solid at 9.30 this morning. And it is a starry night now which means it will be cold tonight too. We had snow on Friday... the kids actually got a snow day for the first time in about 3 years. Roll on Spring.....


BUT..... I am having a good day.. got a good grade on my last assignment, Oisin is sitting on my shoulder at the moment without biting me which is a break through. And I visited a lady who has the funniest Greys I have ever seen this morning. And they talked to me :P

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Hello to everyone and good day! I'm so happy it is Friday and I get to spend all day tomorrow with my little birdie! He'll be so happy to get to spend as long as he likes eating his breakfast. Hope everyone out there is doing well and having a great day.

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The wind is blowing so hard here our power was off for a while, must have been a tree fallen over on a line, but I am back on now. Sun is out though and not too cold but the wind will blow you away if you go out, no walk for me today.


Otherwise all is well for a Sunday afternoon 2:52 pm

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Sunday already ... weekend's almost over! =(

The good news is, I leave on my cruise Thursday.


62 degrees, Dan? Where are you?

It's 8F today. Yep, 8. Here in scenic Detroit.

It's supposed to shoot all the way up to 15 tommorrow -


Hope you all are having a great day!

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Had to actually leave the house today...it's -7F right now...windchill -25. Had to go downtown Mpls to hear hubby sing opera at a recital and it was WINDY WINDY WINDY. Fortunately it warms me up to hear him sing.


Have to go out again as my daughter finally wants to get a haircut so I'm taking advantage of it before she changes her mind!


Gonna come home and settle in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa with a splash of butterscotch schnapps in it. Mm-Yummy!


Hope you have fun on your cruise, Laurie!

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Oh, it's so cold here today and very gloomy in Missouri. I'm really looking forward to spring arriving (hopefully sooner than later). Hello to everyone out there in birdland and hope you are enjoying your day whether it is nice outside or not. Reading posts about funny bird stories right now is warming up my heart!

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