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Oliver's Garden Crawler arrived!

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It is a Get a Grip nets. I wish it was cotton, looks way better. I bought the size that was recommended for African greys. It was way too big, incredibly heavy, so I cut it in half and have 1 piece hanging in my living room. Nilah is the only one who likes it, the others still think its a monster out to get them even after 3 years......

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Ah! Understood. :) I know someone who's had her cotton Crawler for years!! Maybe over 10 years. It's really high quality, though I've never seen the sisal get a grip in person, I'd say the crawler is probably much lighter and not as stiff. In fact, it isn't stiff at all. During the new years holiday, I'm going to try a different way of hanging it for variety. I'll try to take photos too! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love, love, love your net. I have a Get A Grip and my birds just love it especially Slater. As a matter of fact Slater loves his net so much I had to buy a second and stowe it away. I could not bear the thought of him being without one should the day come he totally destroys the one he's now using. I heard the Get A Grip manufacturer is gone and the nets are hard to come by these days.


Question. Do you think that by hanging it veritcally it is more easily soiled then if it were hung horizonrtally? I've always hung my Get a Grip horizontally so I'm curious.



Edited by fidsandfrats
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