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Barnaby Had An Emergency Vet Visit!


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More weight more energy, great work and wonderful loving care. Barnaby is one very fortunate Too and I think he will flourish in your home Dawl. I am smiling and have a U2 that was living on "oh-any kind of Peanuts" when I got him.


It is awesome to know that you have a U2 as well. How long have you had him/her? Yes, I am very proud of Barnaby. We still have a long way to go, but at least now I know that we are headed FIRMLY in the right direction.

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I believe there are several of us with Cockatoos in the household here. We also have an Eleanora Too, both are rehomes of more than one home Harry Too has been with us about 5 yrs and Fred Fred the E2 has been with us just over 4 yrs. E2 is very gentle U2 very aggressive with other birds and select people. Greys are much less stress in the family than the Toos but the Toos are more open to cuddles and hands on companionship. We won't mention volume of sound comparisons. Love them all and each is unique.

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I believe there are several of us with Cockatoos in the household here. We also have an Eleanora Too, both are rehomes of more than one home Harry Too has been with us about 5 yrs and Fred Fred the E2 has been with us just over 4 yrs. E2 is very gentle U2 very aggressive with other birds and select people. Greys are much less stress in the family than the Toos but the Toos are more open to cuddles and hands on companionship. We won't mention volume of sound comparisons. Love them all and each is unique.


Well, it sounds like you have some very lovely fids :) I am actually suprised by Barnaby's noise level. I have worked with many Too's, and they were all pretty loud, but when he flock calls is is more of a squeek, than a scream. Now, when he does his weird cockatoo language speak in his yelling voice, that is a completely different story. He is much louder when he does it as opposed to the calling, but it doesn't bother me. I have great selective hearing.

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Whee for great success! :-D Way to go you too!!!

Can't wait to see some pictures!! :-D


I am going to get some pics of all of my fids tonight actually :) I think it is about time to introduce the rest of my flock anyhow. After the kids are in bed, it is photo shoot time! ;D

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I saw your original post before you got Barnaby and there wasn't an update so I looked around and found this. I'm so happy you have him and he's doing better. We know what would have happened if they'd kept him. I understand not turning them in for the way they cared for him since it was mostly just being uneducated but do you know if they have any plans on getting another bird? I would hate for them to bring home another one thinking things would be different.


I can't wait to read your updates. Thanks for rescuing/saving him and being such a good mommy.

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I don't believe they will be getting another bird, or at least I sincerely hope not. They gave him to me willingly after they realized they were incapable of his care, so I would hope they would be educated enough to know that another bird is not going to be any easier on them. Fingers crossed on that one.

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Maybe you should call them again some time after all Barnaby's results come in to scare them a bit more. Let them now what happens when a bird is neglected and when owners don't know a proper way of taking care of a bird. Just to make sure they wouldn't acquire another.


And where are the pictures!? Pictures please!! :-)

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Maybe you should call them again some time after all Barnaby's results come in to scare them a bit more. Let them now what happens when a bird is neglected and when owners don't know a proper way of taking care of a bird. Just to make sure they wouldn't acquire another.


And where are the pictures!? Pictures please!! :-)

I don't think they require punishment. they already realized he was more than they could handle. They placed him with a kind concerned human who is doing all possible things to help Barnaby. From my years of experience trying to balance the universe yourself by adding negativity to an already sad situation only tips the balance towards bad. If you can all ways try to leave a positive action it seems to help a great deal more. The idea here is to help Barnaby not beat any one up.

Edited by Greywings
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It would take very careful and sensitive interaction to go back and educate someone without the hard edge of the pain and suffering coming through. We had two sick birds and a good relationship with the others involved and it was still hard not to come through with my pain and suffering not to mention the thousands of dollars of futile treatment. I do think it made a difference to talk with them in our case, but there are times when it can help and times when the approach makes someone just dig in their heels and say "you are not the boss of me" then they take actions to prove they have a right to do so. It is a tough call and each situation is different. I agree to tell them in the event it would educate them and make a positive change for the future. I also agree that adding more pain when someone has done their best isn't going to lift them to a better place and only adds pain and grief. All the energy you have now Dawl is being poured into the care of Barnaby and that is a healthy focus. It takes all kinds of people in our world and the gentle continued example may touch thousands in tiny little ripples that didn't seem to matter. Everything we do matters to someone. My heart is with you and Barnaby but also those who touched his life before and maybe they fell short of success, but my hope is they did the best they could.

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I hope this thread isn't straying too far from its original purpose, but I've found people often feel like they are doing the best for an animal (or even their children!) when they obviously aren't. People come from so many backgrounds, cultures even, and ideas across the spectrum about 'proper care' can differ greatly from one another. Ignorance is one thing, not caring is another. And sometimes a scenario finds people just in the middle--they mean well, but they don't quite realize that "more" or "better" is needed, and they have so many other things going on in their life that they don't have the energy to care and act like they need to for this particular animal, or human, or whatever. I'll admit, I've been there. I don't like it and I look back on myself and feel very sad about certain things. Hindsight is always better, and sometimes people don't figure things out until it's too late. :(


That being said, I don't think it would do any good to twist the knife any deeper into that elderly couple's hearts. She said they cried when Barnaby left. And they don't sound like they have the energy to try and take on such a responsibility again.

Edited by MarcusCAG
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I am very confident that their lack in Barnaby's care was nothing more than ignorance on the care of a Too. I believe with all of my heart that they love Barnaby, and want what is best for him...that is how he ended up with me. I do occasionally hear from them, and they ask how he is doing. They care about his wellbeing, and that is enough for me. The woman did get online after Barnaby came to live with me and do some research, but of course this is something she should have done when he still lived there with her. She didnt because she thought she was doing right by Barnaby....and then after finding out that he was extremely ill, she realized...on her own, that she was not doing some things right for him. I told her to visit mytoos.com, and she did. She then made the decision for herself that Cockatoos should not be sold in the pet trade, and I agree with her. I will say that they did one things right though, they loved him... and they did that very well.


Also, took pics the other night...went to bed because it was late...woke up at 6:15 with a severe ear infection! Had to go to ER, and am now on antibiotics that make me nauseated, and pain killers that don't help my stomach either... feeling a little better today, but can't hear anything out of my left ear :( I will do my very best to get the pics up in the next day or 2 :)


Now, I also want everyone to know that I heard from my vet today. Barnaby's blood work came back. His uratic acid level went from 42, to 10.2!! SUCH A RELIEF! She did say that he definitely had a kidney infection, but he probably had it a very long time, and it may have still caused damage to his kidneys. We are going to finish up his antibiotics...the 14th will be the last day, and she is going to compile a diet plan especially for Barnaby, and we will next work on getting him converted. She has given him a clean bill of health, and he does not need to go back in to the vet for 6 months (until his checkup)!! I gotta say....I feel like I have won a war here...it was hard, but so worth it. Thank you to everyone for your encouragment through this very difficult time, it helped me more than you know. Now we just have to let Barnaby settle into his last home, and he seems to have a pretty good start to that as well :)

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeey!:-D Really wonderful news!! -about Barnaby, about you not so much:-S

I'm so glad that he is OK:-D You did a great job!! And say hi to your vet from me and Zak! It looks like she is really looking out for Barnaby too:-)

I hope you'll get better really soon!

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeey!:-D Really wonderful news!! -about Barnaby, about you not so much:-S

I'm so glad that he is OK:-D You did a great job!! And say hi to your vet from me and Zak! It looks like she is really looking out for Barnaby too:-)

I hope you'll get better really soon!


Thank you!!! We are definitely out of the woods here, and it is such a relief. When the vet called, and I saw the number on the caller ID, my heart just stopped...but I got the best news I could have hoped for, and I couldn't be happier. He is doing great. Tonight, he has been more lively than ever. He even snuck off of his cage and stole a piece of cardboard from one of my kids toys while I was giving my one year old a bath. I came back into the living room and he was waving it around, crest up! He has talked more tonight than any other night, and I can really tell a difference, even from just a few nights ago! A month from now I can only imagine!

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Thank you so much everyone! He just gets better and better everyday. Last night while I was giving my one year old a bath, my husband was on the couch watching something on tv. Barnaby came down off his cage, walked across the room, and climbed up the couch to sit on my husband's leg. It was just awesome. That was the first time he had done it, and even though my hubby is not around as much, Barnaby felt comfortable with going to him. I was just all smiles. :)

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Thank you guys :) His vet called today, and we have decided since it will be a long process to get him onto a new diet, we will be bringing him in every 6 weeks or so to check his uratic acid levels, and keep an eye on them during the process of getting him off of seed. We just want to be sure that this level stays in check, and he remains healthy.

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