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Hello!!!!! A new flock has arrived!

Guest FeatherdFollies

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Guest FeatherdFollies

So im Scooter. Im a smart, handsome 3 year old boy with a powerful attitude. I may not like you very much, but I sure do love my Mommy! I came from a corner of the local pet shop but previously I was owned by a cranky old French man. He cursed and yelled a lot but im pretty much over that now... I have said a few bad things to my Mommy but she ignores me, which is kinda annoying sometimes. I love to coo, chew and poo, says my Mom. Really tho, I just love life and attention, and to fly too! Any questions? Ask me..

And me, I Bailey. Like to play and cuddle, and I cant get off Mom's shoulder. I am 1 years old, I like nuts and my Mommy calls me an Owl. Warm is my thing and people are nice sometimes. I like to annoy mommy by climbing high and fly fly thru the house! She dosnt like it but I thinks its funny bunny! Mommy says I have too many feathers and I look like a cotton ball!

Me ME MEEEEE! Im Cressie and I love myself! I am a 7 mos. old CAG and boy am I happy and hyper. I can chew through anything you give me and I soooooo love to squak! I dont talk much so far but my older brother is teaching me a few noises! I may be a little fiesty but thats only 'cause I love attention. And I think im the only one that dosnt bite anyone!!!!!! Ask me some questions, I need something to do!!!!

Grrrrrrr..... That means "I like where im at mommy" in CAG language... Harleys my name and hiding is my game. I love to climb and hide bymyself all of the time. Mommy calls me a loner and picks me up and tries to play with me, but I just sit there and stare at her, trying to tell her that id rather hide with my toys. Im a calm, loving 5 mos. old little chap and I will not do anything to harm you, as long as I can stay hidden that is! Thanks for you time! G'day Mates!

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Please post some pics of your fids so we can put a face to a name. ;)


The one on your profile will do quite nicely!! That's a beautiful picture of a beautiful flock of greys together on a pretty nice stand. And I have no doubt there are more than a few stories to tell, just looking at that crew. Let alone that you have 4 greys under 3 yo. Yep, looking forward to a few tales from you FeatheredFollies & welcome to our flock. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello FeatherdFollies and welcome to our family, sorry I missed your post but life has been busy as has yours from the looks of it. You have quite a flock of greys there and from the pic it looks like they get along really well. Why don't you come back and tell us more about yourself and these greys of yours. Pictures are always welcomed.

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