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Ahh.. There ya go.. Let me officially welcome you here.. I'm glad you joined and I am sure that you will enjoy your stay here.. We have a team of Admins and Moderators that are always willing to help in anyway possible..


There is no such think as a newbie in this forum.. So don't hesitate to get involved in any and all threads..


See ya soon



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You are becoming part of a family. I welcome you with open arms. Lots and Lots of good people here. Help is just a click away. We love lots of posts, and photos. If you need help with photos just send a PM to CD (CeasarsDad) We just have gotton a Game room to enjoy also. Have fun and knowledge at this FORUM.



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Hello and welcome to the family, Debbie, we are glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new rescued grey.


I always love hearing from new members that they rescued a grey, you have taken on something that most people would prefer not to and that is taking in a rehomed bird. Most resuces come with baggage that makes it difficult to deal with but with lots of love and patience you will have a true gem I am sure.


Why don't you tell us a little more about Mikka, how old is she, how long have you had her, how many owners has she had and such, it will help us understand you and her better.

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lovemikka01 wrote:

Hi all just thought i would drop in and say hi as a new member the mum of a rescued african grey also have a golden mantelled rosella and two cockatiels as well as lizards looking forward to gettin loads of hints and tips on how best to care for mikka


Hello Debbie and welcome to the group. Congratulations on rescuing Mikka, you will have many years of laughter and enjoyment. All the best


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