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I've dedicated this weekend to building all kinds of new toys and perches for the grey I'll be getting in January. Right off the bat I found myself with tons of questions and was hoping you guys could answer some of them. Any advice you could offer is greatly appreciated!


1. I've got lots and lots of large popsicle sticks, beads, etc. However, some of these seem like they would break under enough pressure. Is it okay to use these types of things for toys, even if they might possibly crack or snap when rigorously chewed on? I've also got larger blocks of wood to use of course.


2. I have some acrylic paint at home (specifically this kind) -- the label says it is odor-free and non toxic. Would it be okay to paint a few blocks of wood to be made into toys? I tried food coloring already and it wasn't nearly as colorful.


3. I was wondering if you guys have any creative ideas for foraging toys I can make.


4. In terms of making preening toys, I've cut toilet paper rolls into spirals, folded straws with beads on them, and I've even got some bows leftover from Christmas gifts (the kind with lots of coiled ribbons). My mother suggested incorporating actual feathers into a toy but I was not sure if this was safe. What do you think?


Thanks so much!

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I would be apprehensive about using any type of acrylic paint. What is non-toxic to humans could still be toxic to birds. This is one suggestion I found on another web site:


2) For bolder color - I like the method of using the confectionary coloring paste sold in bakery supply stores or where baking accessories are sold in department stores. This thick gel substance makes very bold coloring when only a few drops of water are mixed with a small glob of the paste. I brush this on the wood like paint and the colors are striking.


The same site noted that they had heard that tempra paint is also safe but it wasn't stated with much assurance. I would check further into that before I used it.

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Brendon, sorry I don't know what kind of paint is safe. I LIKE all your toy ideas! Don't worry about if the popsiclesticks break. Thats what they live for... search, seek and destroy!!! Just be careful all beads are not small enough to choke on, just like a child. Sophie my grey, doesn't like alot of block toys, but all greys are different. Kiki my Amazon LOVES all wooden toys. Sophie LOVES anything she can shred. Pinattas, papers, etc. When I do my bills weekly... Sophie sits next to me with her own pretend checkbook and registrar. ( she has her own). I talk to myself when I do my bills... she does the same! I hope she has more money in hers than I do!LOL Nancy

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Hey there, I wanted to help you out with coloring your wood blocks, as all of your other toy ideas sound great to me :)


Here is a link for bird safe coloring for wood: http://www.forbirdssaketoys.com/Nine-1oz-Bottles-Combo-Pack-_p_141.html


Also, there are 2 great sites that sell wooden blocks for bird toys pre-colored, which is what I buy to save all of the hassle.





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