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At what age....


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It is very dependant on many factors, so I think it would be hard to answer.

The more you're with him, and the more you try to communicate with him, the faster he will start speaking.

Also, if he's among humans and hear a lot of conversations he'll probably speak sooner.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to all who shared their experiences with their greys. Mine is now about 8 months old. Still no words, but I love him all the same. He is a huge snuggle bug! Would sleep with me all night if I let him. I do wish he would eventually talk, but if he doesn't I wont love him any less of course.


I was also told if they whistle first, they wont talk. Is that true??

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  • 3 weeks later...

My CAG 'Henry' is ten months old. I baught him before he had even hatched and the breeder wouldn't let me have him 'till he was three months. I am so happy with him! He said his first word (hello) at six months. The first time I left him it was for five days and I had a friend come to my house and stay so as not to change his routine too much. In those five days my friend taught him "here boy". The next time I left, same thing ... I was only gone for three days and when I returned he had taught him "hootie hoo" what ever that means! Two weeks I left only for the weekend and when I came back he had learned "Ho Ho Ho" ... Santa's greeting. He is now trying really hard to say his name "Henry" ... notice a pattern here? Everything starts with an "H" !! I assume he is saying all "H's" because he finds it easy since "H" ello was his first word. What has me puzzled is, why can my friend teach him to say something very quickly? A few reasons I have considered ... my friens voice is very distictive, very gravely. Perhaps he pays attention more because of this? Also, every time I return home Henry regurgitates in my hand!! ... I expect that as he getd older that will turn into an attempted bite. Anyway, do you think that he finds my leaving a traumatic experience and that this could have something to do with it? He really does not like anyone but me and when my friend comes for a visit he does not like him either ... gave him quite a bite the other day!! Apparantly when I gone, he also goed to wher ever my friend has been sitting and poops there!! Funny! Well, I am not worried about Henry at all ... just thought it was curious.

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