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The most important thing in training

Joe Bachi

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Hey guys,

Ever since I decided to own birds as pets, I've had a tough time training them, everyone always told me to be patient and give the bird some time to feel comfortable around me and that always made me angry; I would think:"I am being very nice to this bird, I am feeding him, giving him a safe home and caring for him, so why does he still see me as a threat?"

That is one day I saw this solution: What if you were the pet and your owner was a grey who kidnapped you from your home, and chose to keep you as a pet? :S


However that didn't really get to me until I made this pic

Image1445 copy.jpg


Now every time I get frustrated with training I just look at this pic and feel a bit better.


Hope this helps someone out there ;)



Edited by Joe Bachi
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Yes it does get pretty awkward when I'm trying to encourage Mikko to talk by using a high pitched silly voice and he just gives me that "dude what in the world are you doing?" look

LOL, and he does know how to get what he wants :P

..................oh yes ..............manipulative pets.......................gotta love 'em ;D

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Before training can begin trust needs to be earned, and trust is a two way street. Being able to view things from your parrot's perspective is extremely important too. Try not to get caught up in seeing it from your *human* point of view.

I would STRONGLY recommend that you read all material that you can get from Barbara Heidenreich. It will help you learn how to show your parrot he can trust you and vice versa as well as understand HIM better. It has helped me immensely in becoming the parrot owner that I am to my parrots. Purchase her dvds and her E-books. They are VERY valuable. :)



Edited by lovethatgrey
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It is sooo important to establish " trust", between a bird owner and bird. Without that, you cant ask the bird to do what you want them to do! They can't respond! Once trust is established, they are AMAZING! I will always be called " Rom", instead of mom! I like that better. Sophie yells " ROM", all the time! I respond, access her safety... tell her she is fine. She knows I'm her mom. I keep her safe. She will stepup, stepdown, perfectly, to our entire family. I am very proud of our Sophie. She is important to all of us Nancy

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Nice pic & I couldn't agree more! Funny thing is, in a happy flock, we may have gone voluntarily, but sometimes I'm pretty sure we are the ones who become the pet... the servant... the comic relief... :)


Hahaha! Isn't that the truth!

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It is sooo important to establish " trust", between a bird owner and bird. Without that, you cant ask the bird to do what you want them to do! They can't respond! Once trust is established, they are AMAZING! I will always be called " Rom", instead of mom! I like that better. Sophie yells " ROM", all the time! I respond, access her safety... tell her she is fine. She knows I'm her mom. I keep her safe. She will stepup, stepdown, perfectly, to our entire family. I am very proud of our Sophie. She is important to all of us Nancy


That's soo funny! Love ROM! My amazon Nilah, calls me "bird!" whenever I get home from work or from doing errands and walk in the door, she says, "hi bird!" or if she isn't sure the noise she hears is me, she calls, "bird?" then when I say, yes, or hi Nilah, she says in a relaxed voice, " hi bird" :) Love it!

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About the servant stuff.. I hear my Zak eating. It takes a while and then I hear a beeping noise.. I didn't get it at first but now, any time he beeps in a specific kind a way I know, unmistakeably, that it is a time for a refill! So, I trot over there and serve my master..:-P

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Of course, WE are here to serve them. BUT we are either ROM... Hi birdie... we are their moms and dads. When they feel threatened.... they call us. We jump and respond! Sometimes we get called in panick, only to hear HI! They are our best friends.... but when it counts most, we are not just their best friends, but their parents. We keep them safe.

When I am asked about my kids, how many I have, I say.... I have two boys, three birds, and two dogs. Yes, I have seven children in my home. Thats how I think. Thats how I treat them. Nancy

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That's soo funny! Love ROM! My amazon Nilah, calls me "bird!" whenever I get home from work or from doing errands and walk in the door, she says, "hi bird!" or if she isn't sure the noise she hears is me, she calls, "bird?" then when I say, yes, or hi Nilah, she says in a relaxed voice, " hi bird" :) Love it!


Hahahaha! I seriously loved that! Wish I could be a fly on the wall to see that!

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