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kallie the scientist discovers gravity!


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kallie must be going through her "scientist" stage, lol!! she has discovered gravity!! currently she's having a blast with a phone book placed on top of her cage. she likes to take pieces of the pages, play with them, wave them around then drop them, while watching intently. today, she's figured out how to get whole pages through the bars to play with, wave around then watch float to the bottom of her cage or land on her boing. sometimes she'll hang upside down from the top of her cage holding on with one foot, large phone book page in the other foot doing battle with it, hahahaha! another discovery is that the phone book makes a big boom when she works it off the edge and it hits the floor! the funny part is the way she looks at the book on the floor, as if she's wondering why it won't just fly back up to the top of her cage.


athena, not to be out done, has become a confetti maker with her phone book as well as a "designer". she'll work diligently making confetti going from the middle of the phone book outward leaving a large semi circular hole. we'll put some of those pages through the opening in the top of her cage to hang down inside. she likes to perch in the "hole" she has so carefully designed. i know she really enjoys confetti making because she makes her little contended beeps and squeaks while she's working at it, hahaha!! then she'll decide she's had enough of the "perch" and work to "disconnect" all of the pages on one side to create "curtains" which she likes to hide in, especially at bed time. she'll stay very still and quiet "hiding" in her "curtains" probably thinking to herself that if i don't see her, it won't be bed time, lol!! (like a child thinking if i can't see you hiding while under a blanket standing in the middle of the room, then you can't see me)

Edited by thenabrd
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thanks dan! i couldn't use an apple if i wanted to, the girls take their apples very seriously!! they grab their piece, run to the highest point they can in their cage and happily devour every last molecule, lol!!!! they're magicians when it comes to apples, they make them disappear. ;)

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i'd love to get pics and video of both the girls antics. but i swear, they have camera "radar" or something. the minute i put my phone on camera or video setting, they promptly stop whatever they're doing or saying and go quiet and still, lol!! i've tried just holding my phone like i'm using the camera or video function, but they somehow see through that and keep going. i'll continue to hold it up and put it on camera mode and wham, the minute the camera function comes up, they stop. i'm going to have to check into a nanny cam or spy cam or something one of these days!! they're just toooooo smart for their own britches sometimes!

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i've even asked my neighbor lady for hers when she's done with them. the girls can buzz saw through the books pretty quickly when they want to!! when i run out of books, i fold up newspaper and put it through the bars for them to play with. they both have wood to chew up in their cages, but they don't go after the wood like they do the paper. oh well, as long as they're having a good time, i'm happy!!

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