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Barnaby Is Home, And I Am So Angry!!


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Okay guys, so Barnaby is home with me now. Let me give you a rundown of things. We went and picked him up today. When they got there, they had him in a cockatiel cage as his travel cage. We loaded everything up, and as we did I asked the owner if he was definitely a male, and he said yes (although I would not be surprised if he is just guessing), and then I asked him the last time Barnaby had been to an avian vet, he didn't have an answer ( I doubt he has ever been) and said "He doesn't need to go to the vet". I just shrugged it off so that I could get Barnaby out of there. We drove home, Barnaby was quiet, but I noticed that his vent area was a bit dirty with poop. When we got home, I opened his "travel cage" up and he came right out...he DID NOT want to go into his big cage once I got it put together...


I saw that his food in the travel cage was cockatiel seed and fruity pebbles...yes, the cereal. He had absolutely NO toys in his cage, most of the perches were far too small for him, and the rope perches looked like he had been using them since Barnaby was hatched. I hung toys for him, tried giving him a lid to a juicy juice bottle, and a straw to play with, and he acted like he had no idea what to do with it at all. Now....here is where I get really mad.... while Barnaby was on his cage door hanging out, I saw him straining. I looked under him, and noticed he has a prolapse that is poking out when he strains! I am so pissed that they did nothing about this! :mad: I am sorry for my language, but it really ticks me off! And then for him to say he doesn't need to go to the vet! It only comes out when he strains, and goes back into his body when he stops, so it is not hanging out....but there is no way they could have missed it...I mean, seriously. I had set up an appointment for him yesterday that was supposed to be for Monday, but I am going to call tomorrow and see if I can get him in tomorrow. Until then, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this issue? I mean, I have heard of the issue of prolapse, but had always heard that they would hang out of the body until they were pushed back in, or other means of replacement were done. So what is the deal with it coming out a bit, and going back in on it's own? Any advice is useful.


I am so upset!!!! :mad::mad:

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I'm grateful to say that this is one problem I haven't had to deal with. Hopefully the vet will be able to get you in or at least give you advise until Monday. In the meantime, be sure to keep the strictest possible quarantine, especially under the circumstances & keep Barnaby warm & well hydrated. Here's a link that might give you some more info.




Please let us know how this works out. Good luck.

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I'm so sorry that you got him in that situation!


Just a quick question...are you sure they were "fruity pebbles"? The fruity zupreem looks colorful (and is in fruit shapes) and it smells very sweet.



Oh yes, I am sure. Fruity Pebbles cereal is not in fruit shapes, just round. They also have a very distinct taste and smell, plus my kids love them, so I am very familiar with them LOL. I just couldnt believe it was in there.

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I have experienced prolapsed vent with chickens but it typically related to egg laying issues. :confused: I have also seen prolapsed uterus in dogs, again a female thing. I am certainly no expert but to me, a prolapse is similar to a hemorrhoid, when inflamed tissue protrudes. I have no idea about this poor parrot, it is good that it is not out all the time. Please keep us updated with the vets opinion so that we can all learn something from this tragic situation.

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Okay, I just got off the phone with the vet. They are so incredibly nice, and were so helpful. I told them about his entire history (what I know of it at least) and she said it could be related to many factors. They can be induced by poor nutrition, being egg bound, stress, bacterial infections, and showing mating behavior, among other reasons. She said it is very good that this prolapse is not out all of the time, and it could just be stress involved. I told her that he does appear to have a lot of poop around his vent area, and she suggests we do blood work on Monday to see if he may have some kind of infection. We will then proceed with an antibiotic, and I will bring him back the following week for another appointment to check on his progress. She told me to keep a close eye on him, and if the protrusion comes out and stays out we will then begin to intervene on that situation. She explained that if it does remain out, I will need to bring him in to have a couple stitches put around his vent to hold the cloaca in the body. She says this is not always successful, and he could have problems with this all of his life.


So in other words, it may be a very long road for Barnaby, but I am willing to travel it with him. I am hoping we can get him nice and healthy, and soon. I suppose it will just be one step at a time. I will definitely keep everyone updated on this situation, and if anyone else reads this and has any advice, please feel free to share it with me. Thank you for your support everyone.

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Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Barnaby has this problem! :( But it sounds like the vet has at least a direction to explore to try and help him, and hopefully it will all work out without any complications... Thankfully, though, Barnaby is now with you and your family, and if his condition is at all stress-related, hopefully as he learns how to be/feel loved and interact in with others and the world in a more appropriate, "parroty" way, perhaps it will start diminishing on its own, as well. Thinking of you guys...

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I don't have any experience with this, but i am so very happy you have this love and will do all that is necessary for a clean bill of health. I am sure all will be fine, but it may be a long road with a step at a time, so be patient. The best thing you have done is rescue this sweetie and are on a mission to do all theright things.

All will be well, just take your time, calm down even tho you have a right to be angry, and relax so that your new sweet bird will relax as well.

Please keep us posted.

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Thank you to you Life Is Greyt, MarcusCAG, and Talon, as well as everyone else that has read this thread. I talked to the vet again, and had to move his appointment to bright and early on Tuesday morning. The reason is because she just found out she will be out of town on Monday, but she wants to see him when they open Tuesday morning. She said we will more than likely be there for a few hours. She wants to do a fecal on him, as well as a full blood panel to make sure she tests for everything possible, and also wants to make sure he is definitely a "he", just to make sure it is not happening because of any kind of egg binding complication. I feel very optimistic for him. I know I will do whatever possible to ensure him a long, healthy, happy life. I am already so incredibly attached to him. I have him covered now for sleep time and I can hear him making little squeeks while he is sleeping :)


I will definitely be keeping everyone updated on his progress. I have been scouring the internet trying to find as much info on this issue that I can, and honestly there isn't much out there. I really appreciate everyone's support on this, it really has me rather upset. I know Barnaby appreciates it too. I told him earlier that I love him, his brothers and sisters love him, my husband loves him, and everyone on Grey Forums loves him, so he knows he is a very loved birdy! I know you are all rooting for Barnaby just as much as I am, so once again, thank you.

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Marry Christmas to you and your family. I'm very glad to hear that Barnaby has a good and loving new forever home:-D Hope he gets well soon. I'll be sure to check for any new update so keep them coming;-)


Thank you Morana, and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. Barnaby is doing okay, and has begun to settle in a bit. I will definitely update on Tuesday after his vet appointment. I just hope I get some good news that day. Wish us luck!

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Just wanted to let everyone know that I put RoudyBush pellets into Barnaby's dish last night to see how it would go. I went ahead and did all pellets just out of curiosity of what he would do, and guess what? HE IS EATING THE CRAP OUT OF THEM! I am so happy that he made this transition so easily, and consider myself to be VERY lucky. Still no luck with veggies or fruits yet, but I will keep offering them every day. I am so happy everyone! I feel like this is one big bridge on this road that we have crossed over, and he did it so willingly :) Such a good bird.

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Well everyone, Barnaby's vet appointment is tomorrow, and I have to be honest, I am so incredibly nervous about getting bad news that I don't want to hear. I am praying every day that he can get healthy again, I am just do afraid that he was liver damage. Everyone wish me luck, and thank you for being supportive.

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My thoughts are with you. Please let us know how it goes. Whatever the news, we are here for you. Try not to worry, what's done is done, and I believe you will make things 100% better for this lucky bird, I am sure he already feels better with your tlc.

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Do not worry to much. The worst for this bird is over because Barnaby has a new loving forever home and no matter what the news are it can't be worse than not being loved and being neglected. Take comfort tonight in the notion that you will do everything you can for that birdie (not just tomorrow) and that he is far better off with you. Also, you have to be strong for your birdie. You should be calm as you can be because Barnaby can sense your emotional state. Besides,I think he'll be just fine:-)

Fingers crossed! :-)

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Yes, I think that the fact that Barnaby is with you now and in a loving, attentive home will do him a world of good, even if some bad news comes from the visit to the vet's. You two can travel that path together, and the fact that your support will be there and that he won't be alone is something that, I'm sure, Barnaby will sense and eventually blossom over. :)

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Do not worry to much. The worst for this bird is over because Barnaby has a new loving forever home and no matter what the news are it can't be worse than not being loved and being neglected. Take comfort tonight in the notion that you will do everything you can for that birdie (not just tomorrow) and that he is far better off with you. Also, you have to be strong for your birdie. You should be calm as you can be because Barnaby can sense your emotional state. Besides,I think he'll be just fine:-)

Fingers crossed! :-)


Barnaby and I had a rough day today, but I just read this and I can't even tell you how much it meant to read those words. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees, and this helped me come back to Earth a bit, take a breath, and put things in perspective. Thank you so much Morana, and everyone else that has been so supportive and understanding in this difficult time for Barnaby and I. Just think, a few months from now I will be posting vids of Barnaby doing the Cockatoo dance, and prancing around like he owns the place, and we will look back to how far this wonderful bird has come.

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Barnaby and I had a rough day today, but I just read this and I can't even tell you how much it meant to read those words. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees, and this helped me come back to Earth a bit, take a breath, and put things in perspective. Thank you so much Morana, and everyone else that has been so supportive and understanding in this difficult time for Barnaby and I. Just think, a few months from now I will be posting vids of Barnaby doing the Cockatoo dance, and prancing around like he owns the place, and we will look back to how far this wonderful bird has come.

Any time! :-)

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Oh, I didn't take him to the vet yesterday, but I did call and talk to her. He ended up having an emergency visit on Monday. I posted about it in the "Barnaby had an emergency vet visit" thread. If you havent seen it yet, it has a lot of info in it about what is going on with him. Thank you so much for asking, and being concerned. It means a lot to me :)

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