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I have a parrot blog.


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It is called Mabel Serendipity in honour of my severe macaw Mabel and on my blog I elaborate why.


Here is the link to my homepage




I'd love to spend much of my time on parrot forums, however due to time contraints and other responsibilities I will not always be able to log on to forums and participate in interesting discussions. Instead I have a parrot blog where you all are welcome to see what me and my flock are up to and this will be another way of keeping in touch with all of you. As many of you know, I am owned by one White capped pionus parrot named Sachi, A severe macaw named Mabel and the very very well known Emma african grey. It is no secret that I am pretty passionate about all of them.


The main focus of my blog will be on severe macaws because there is so little personal information on the internet from other severe macaw owners but I will also touch about general parrot topics which pretty much apply to all parrots.


On my blog I will write about all kinds of parrot related topics ranging from toys, cages, nutrition, enrichment, places that I love to shop at for my parrots....etc. In a nutshell, I will pretty much be sharing my personal best practices when it comes to taking care of my own flock.


If there is anything else parrot related that you'd like me to write about feel free to let me know.:D Thank you for reading.

Edited by lovethatgrey
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I visited your blog the other night while I was checking out your link to Oliver's Garden, it's very nice! :) My hubby saw a picture of Mabel there and he was like, "That looks like a Grey crossed with a macaw!" Hehe. But once he'd said it, it made me wonder, how big is your sweet Mabel? She does look a bit CAG-sized, or at least proportioned. (I wanted to scritch her belly, in the one pic it looked so cute and round!) She's a very pretty girl :) and I will try and pop by and keep tabs on you guys as I remember to, I don't know much about Severe Macaws anyway and it sounds like your blog would be a nice introduction!

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