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A Much Anticipated Trip!


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I have finally decided to take a 4 hour one way trip to my favorite Bird Store! Some of you may remember it is where i bought Nilah, a tree stand and lots of toys 2 years ago. Last time i went, i went the night before and my kids and I stayed overnight in a hotel so we could spend the whole day in this store. It was my kids who talked me into getting Nilah, and I am happy they did.

But this time, I want to go ALONE so idont come home with another bird. I am almost at my limit, and I am holding a place for a special bird that will live with me one day soon, but more on that later.


There is over 40000 toys in that store! Rooms and rooms of toys, the place goes on forever! Not to mention the rooms of birds! I have next week off ( first time ever ) and was planning on getting up early and making it a day trip, but I desperately need new brakes in my car before I can go...........Merry Christmas to me....:(


Can't really complain, my car has 95000 miles on it and never had the brakes done, so i'm due I guess.


BUT I CAN't WAIT!!!!!!! I want to stock upon bird toys for my 3 parrots, they are in dire need of new things. We don't really have any petstores here, so they don't get them too often unless i order online which mostly i do, but to hold and see them is WAY better!


Will let you know when I go and what i buy!

Edited by Talon
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Drive safely and take lots of pics!! Even if you're just 'window shopping', seeing all-things bird related in one place is awesome!! (just don't look too closely at some of the price tags!!)


For some reason, my favorite thing are the cages. I'm always looking for what I think would be the perfect combo of size, price and looks for my home (and future very spoiled CAG).


Happy Holidays!

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They have the most unique and beautiful cages, lots of inventory! You can rest assured there will be NO window shopping for toys, and their prices are very reasonable! I usually spend hundreds of $$ as this is the only time i buy lots and stock up for my birds. There really is no place near me and if there is the prices are way too high!

Edited by Talon
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What we don't get the name of this Great Bird Store!!!! Honestly, this sounds like fun Talon. Let's see to New Jersey from Washington State that's 2799 miles in driving distance or 1 day 21 hours to meet you there!!!! I am envious and can't wait to hear about the bird store. Don't forget some pictures. I am very anxious to hear and see the goodies you bring home. Can't wait to hear would kind of new parrot you are interested in!!!! I am excited!!

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That sounds like so much fun! If any at all, you don't see many places w/more than a couple of cages set up around here, either. I don't know why I love looking at cages, too. Really too bad there aren't really big bird stores around here. Or maybe not. I spend enough on the fids as it is. But rooms & rooms full of toys... Yeah! Sounds wicked.


Hope you have a great trip, Penny! Can't wait to hear all about what you found when you get back. :)


... and some more on that little teaser about "a special fid"

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OMG! I saw their website online when I was trying to find a good place to find a Grey! Even their website was AMAZING! You are so lucky to be able to go there Talon! Can't wait to see what you come home with for your beautiful birdies. They are going to be so excited! :)


Also, you guys crack me up with your secret parrot spaces LOL! Whenever you get these secret birds, they will be very loved, and spoiled indeed.


Anyhow Talon, you have a fantastic day at BOP, and have a safe trip there and back :)

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I went to parrrot palooza at birds of paradise in Burlington, NJ this past year with my boyfriend. While I enjoyed the activities and the cheap toys, and especially the talk from everyones favorite Dr. Pepperburg, I didn't really enjoy the mass amount of birds for sale and people clamoring to hold them. I feel like they could have handled it better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, tomorrow is the day! I am getting up super early and driving to the bird store! Since I haven't bought my birds much in the way of new toys for a while, I am pulling out the credit card and heading out!!!


And I am going ALONE so no one can hurry me along or convince me to come home with a bird, I have great willpower...:)


I will post pictures and share all I buy!

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HA HA HA! You guys have no faith in me.......I came home with NO, yes read it, NO bird!!!!!! I was tempted, that's for sure, there was 2 electrus that were just beautiful! I took lots and lots of pictures to share here, way too many, but I will post them tomorrow.


I bought so many toys, I probably will have to take several photos of them to post! Bags and bags of fun stuff! I told the cashier to NOT tell me the total, I would just hand over the credit card....:( she asked if I had a bird rescue........there was so many there! :)

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Wow I am proud of you Penny, you didn't bring a new bird home but you got a lot of goodies for the ones you have, they should count themselves lucky for the haul you brought them, can't wait to see what you got and I am still going to visit that store one day, will be an overnight visit.

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Thats a big haul of toys and I see in the first pic you bought one of those step up perches with the hand saver of a coconut half, bet that will be of use with Nilah, well at least you won't have to buy any toys for a while, maybe then your credit card will have had time to recover. Some of those you bought I have seen before but some are new to me, makes me want to come up and check them out which I will do sometime.

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Judy, YES, I bought that specifically for Nilah! And you are right, it will take me the rest of the year to recover.....:(


Of course, I only put 1 toy on Rikki's cage. She was hysterical over all the new things in the bags....I took one out and she wouldn't go in that part of the house the entire day! Of course, they barely make it to the cage before Nilah destroys them!


Talon is curious, but not interested in getting too close. It will be 2 years before I go thru them at that rate!

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