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Bath time is not a fun time....


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Hello...I've had AnnaBella for a little less than 6 years and she'll be 6 years old on December 31. She's never really liked bath time but lately she screams and cowars (sp?) down as if I'm spraying her with acid or something. I've tried bathing her in the sink but I can't even get her in the sink. I use a spray bottle that has a nossel that spins so it can go down, up, left or right. Perfect for bathing. I always give her her favorite treat afterwards but she absolutely hates it. If I fill her water bowl to the brim, she will sometimes take a bath herself. Maybe 3-4 times a year. I thought about buying one of those newborn baths where it hooks up to the sink and you can spray them in a little bath made for babies (human). I've also tried other spray bottle...but she hates it! I've tried the shower...even worse. I've tried filling up a big pot and just letting her do it herself but she won't. She chews her back feathers and I can hear that she's dry. She has A LOT of dander. I give her red palm oil everyday.


I'm really surprised she's not mad at me after each bath. I think she thinks the spray bottle is doing it to her...not me. And after the bath, she acts like she feels soooo good. She sings, talks, and is more active than before her bath. I know it feels good once it's over...but is there a better way of delivering the bath? Any ideas?

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Hi Heather, i have the same problem with my 2 greys. I let them bathe as they please adter having the same issuesyouare. My cag would get so upsetthat itaffected her health, somi choseto let it go. I do find that when i vacume orwash the floor, they decide thats a good time to bathe in the water dish, and they do!

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kallie hates her baths as well, but i'm plugging away at it. i use half water, half aloe vera juice (human consumption kind at walmart pharmacy) to help with any itchiness or dry skin. i run a humidifier this time of year too. kallie seems to be coming around. she used to shake and "pout" and be quiet for hours after a spray. now she'll find a spot and "endure" it after a few minutes so i can really get her soaked. i've started spraying myself before i spray her to show her its not scary, but lots of fun. she'll start moving around and talking much quicker now, usually she's back to herself within the hour, instead of the hours of the silent treatment in the past! i use a spray bottle that can make a fine mist and pumps up so that i can have a steady spray, it's much easier on my hands as well. i found it in the gardening section at lowes. kallie has lunged at the nozzle, so i'm hoping she's now blaming the nozzle instead of me, lol!! now the big "problem" i have to fix is my husband!! kallie thinks he's the one for her, but he was more freaked out when i showed him how to give her a spray bath than she was, hahahaha!!

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Bath time isn't fun here, either. I tried a number of spray bottles. I tried experimenting w/the bottle shape, size, color & spray. Finally found one that seems less offensive than the rest. I also realized that the rhythm seems to make a difference, here. Apparently long, slow, steady squeezes upset them less. I'm not sure why though.


Sometimes it helps if my guys do the dishes w/me, first. I don't have a dishwasher & they take turns sitting on my shoulder, keeping me company.


It's almost like they can't resist getting into everything, even the water. I'll set up a bottle before hand & then just pop the fid onto the edge of the dish strainer & go for it. On a really good day I may even get to put one on my wrist & under the aerator on the faucet. May not. Depends on the day & the alignment of the stars or something.


Also have a green, plastic leaf shaped chip & dip set that I use as bathtubs. They're good sized but shallow & I cut a rubber sink mat for traction. I put them on plastic folding tables beside the fids' cages when they're out. Eventually, they'll come explore. Maybe they'll actually take a bath. Maybe they'll sit on the edge & wash like they do in the coop cups. Maybe not. Depends on the day & the alignment of the stars or something.


The "bathtub" needs to be no more than a couple of inches deep for them to feel safe enough to climb in. BUT it needs to be big enough to fill w/enough water to keep the fid from flipping it over because that's the much preferred purpose!! It took a long time to find something that the fids couldn't dump out.


I'll also take the water cup out & leave the tubs randomly on the floor of a cage while they're closed in. Someplace where it won't get pooped in. Then leave a toy floating in it & leave it to chance that they may bath. They may or they may not. Depends on the day & the alignment of the stars or something.


I've spent years, been as creative as possible & I'm still trying. Most recently, I saw where someone very clever had created a fountain for his birds to bath in. It's basically a table fountain that he adapted to fit onto a homemade base that was big enough for the birds to bath in. He was even kind enough to post a "How To...". His birds really seemed to enjoy it, anyway. Think that's going to be my next project.

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Thanks for all the replies. I've tried the fine mist sprays..but I've only seen the kind that hairspray (not aerosol) comes in and it's really hard to spray. I'll have to look for a different kind. We have the pump kind where a long continuous spray comes out...I can't remember why we stopped using it. I have a problem with my foot so I've been soaking it...she seemed really interested in the pan my foot was in so I cleaned it and got some fresh water and set it out. She was really curious...standing on the edges....putting her beak in the water...but no bath. Maybe if I keep putting it out, she'll take a dip. Thanks so much for all the replies!

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I've gotten spray bottles from all over. I think this one may have come from Harbor Freight Tools, but I've honestly lost track.


I got a water conserving aerator on the faucet, if it helps. Think you can get them at any Lowe's, Home Depot, plumbing supply. I can adjust the stream to make a pretty wide, gentle shower & it swivels. I like it for the dishes, too. ;-P

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Thanks for all the replies. I've tried the fine mist sprays..but I've only seen the kind that hairspray (not aerosol) comes in and it's really hard to spray. I'll have to look for a different kind. We have the pump kind where a long continuous spray comes out...I can't remember why we stopped using it. I have a problem with my foot so I've been soaking it...she seemed really interested in the pan my foot was in so I cleaned it and got some fresh water and set it out. She was really curious...standing on the edges....putting her beak in the water...but no bath. Maybe if I keep putting it out, she'll take a dip. Thanks so much for all the replies!


Hi Heather! :)


As you have seen by the others posts many greys hate baths with Dayo included. I use a spray bottle in the winter just like you with the adjustable nozzle while he is in his cage. Then clean the cage afterwards. IN the summertime, both dayo and jake are rolled outside int here cages and I use a hose with nozzle attached adjusted to mist and soak them and cages good.


Dayo will also get in a bowl or pan if he is in the bath mood and get his breast and head soaked whilst flapping his wings. You may want to pursue the pan and splash you hand or finger around in the water and maybe even lace a small toy or ice cube in the water to peak her interest. Normally once they touch the water you'll start seeing the feathers fluff and they will just get in at some point. I personally do not believe greys in the wild bath very often, but thats just my opinion. 80 percent of greys have a strong aversion to water unless they instigate it themselves.

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