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First Week With Gracie


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First of all I want to say that pics will be forthcoming. My digital cam is broken and I'm not one of those who has mastered the cell phone pics--I know I'm a dinosaur at 44! I will say that if I had a cam I could have already captured a lifetime of snaps of my little girl. She is a handful and so adventurous. She needs a job with Cirque de Soleil.


Things have been going really well despite my contiunued mistakes. My first blunder came when I attempted to bathe her the first time. My water setting on the spray bottle was quite strong and I shot at too close a range. She was livid! She screamed and flapped arounded and let me know in no uncertain terms that I was treading on microscopically thin ice.


Mistake number two came when I decided to refill her food bowl by sticking the bag in the cage rather than using the side doors. She flew out of the cage in a panic.


Mistake number three happended when I tried to remove a toy from her cage while she was inside. Again--she flew out of the cage complaining.


What makes me happy is that she forgives me within a minute or less. She notes her complaints, but she doesn't seem to hold it against me. I think she feels safe with me and knows I love her. She lets me know that she is not pleased, but she quickly resumes to quiet preening and happy chirps. I feel so lucky. As much as I have studied, I am sometimes surprised at my blunders, yet she gives me the benefit of the doubt and allows for my foibles.


What has been so wonderful is that she is beginning to see me as part of her flock. When I visited her at the breeders (almost daily for 2 months) she seemed to know me, but didn't pay me much attention. It was hard to get much eye contact. I was just the guy that gave her treats and let her out of the cage. Now she watches me, notices what I am doing , and contact calls me when I am out of sight. She still doesn't let me pet or scritch her neck, but she allows kisses and rubs on the beak.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I loved this update :)


She sounds like an absolute sweetheart, and I am looking forward to the photos. Also, can't thank you enough for the "Not to do list" LOL! I will avoid the above mentioned blunders when my little guy gets home. It certainly does sound like she is seeing you as her flock member, especially with her doing the contact calls. I love when my birds do that. It's nice to know they are thinking about you, even when you are out of sight. I don't think it will be long before you are getting to scritch, and pet her to your hearts content. Congrats!

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Minor blunders, and I'm sure there will be more! LOL!

I was taking Egan's boing out of his cage for cleaning the other day. I didn't realize that he had jumped on it while I was fiddling with getting it unhooked from the cage. In pulling it out the door I dropped the boing with Egan on it. He gave a little yell and stepped right up to be put on his playstand. No harm, no foul. :)

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Only three blunders & everyone survived? I think you did pretty well for your first week. Sounds like Gracie thinks so, too. She sounds like she's got a really nice temperament. Intelligent & independent but potentially loving & forgiving. Could be you've got the perfect combination to work w/there. I'll look forward to your (hopefully illustrated) next update.

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Yes, thank you for this new update! You will make more mistakes in the future, I'm sure (what parront doesn't? :P ), but Gracie is obviously quick to forgive and you two will learn the figurative ropes together. Again, congrats on having your baby home with you, finally... and I don't think 44 is a dinosaur, even without the camera phone pics. I refuse to use Facebook. That should put me back a million years or so, at least, according to most everyone I know. ;)

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