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Why do we love our zons

Ray P

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Early this morning I made a post in the happy bird-day room about my zon and her 16 birthday and what she has become to me and why December 20 th is soo important.

Cricket is a rehome and some people might refer to her as a stepchild or a Johnny come lately as we have had our other fids for a long time, but Cricket is full of surprises and her actions have made her a place in our home that can not be filled by any other parrot, dog, cat or pet of any kind.

There is a lesson here that you can`t judge a book by it`s cover and a critic does not know your likes or dislikes.

Cricket has put as much and may be more into our relationship as I have so I gess you can say we met each other half way.

I read an opinion from one person that said you should never use the word rehome and amazon in the same sentence, well there was a time I would have beleved that . After haveing Cricket I know that is a myth and that you can become part of each other.

Soo what is the lesson here?? Amazons have a lot to give and when it comes to a rehome we all know what it takes weather it`s a amazon, grey, macaw or any other parrot.

Edited by Ray P
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I LOVE this thread. You are so right, although I LOVE LOVE LOVE my greys, they are both so special to me in their own sweet ways. I feel I have a special relationship with them both that is different from each, and different from my other pets and family members.


When i first brought my amazon, Nilah, she was a baby, not a rehome. As you know, she was bought on a whim. I had no knowedge of an amazon. I became very nervous once she was here and I began researching amazons. I read very negative things about them, such things as they are moody, difficult to handle, stubborn, difficult to get along with and that they needed a strong person to be the dominate them, that they needed to be trained properly by someone who would tolerate their nasty bites, not a softy like I am......i had read that most owners give their amazon away because theynbecame so nasty, or they kept them in a cage all the time because of their mean ways. I was very upset and nervous wondering what have I done and what was I in for? I thought I had made a HUGE mistake and I would have a nasty amazon just like all the ones I had been reading about.

So, I started the amazon room here as I saw that many members also had one and I knew I would need all the help I could get.


Needless to say, Nilah is the most special bird ever. She adores me, and i have always tried to teach her preferred behaviour from wrong.... I always try and keep the upper hand with tlc, and I find her to be the most fulfiLling, loving family member ever. Yes, she tries my patience on many days, but mostly, she just wants to be with me and love me....when i take the time in my busy life to remember that, all goes well.


Nilah adores me and I can't imagine my life without her in it. I know in her heart and in mine, she means well and only wants to be loved and adored, and she is. I feel she gives me MORE enjoyment than i culd possibly give her.

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Amazons have always held a fascination for me. They do have a reputation that runs the spectrum from curious, cheeky, fun friend to agressive hellish nightmare. With love, education, patience and wise choices I'm sure the nighmare can be avoided in most cases. It sounds like you all have been doing the right things.

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  • 1 month later...

awww Cricket sounds wonderful.


Well Chili is not a rehome. I've had him since he was 6 weeks old. He is such a hoot, such fun, has a wonderful personality and is such clown in the birdroom. Yes he's young (almost 2). A lot of what I read on the internet say he's young just you wait.... some say they would never own a "hot 3". I hate that they give such a bad rap to some species. I really hope that Chili won't turn into some monster the internet portrays his species to be:( I know he'll have his hormonal periods and I am prepared for that but I'm hoping they will be mild. I'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

Edited by fidsandfrats
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Chili looks great and yes I to beleve zons get a bad rap.

After having Cricket I lost my fear of amazons and she has turned out to be my gentle little girl and I love her with all my heart.


Cricket is a blue front correct? Oh and also I've read that the females are not supposed to be as mean as the males. Chili is a male. We shall see.

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Ahh yes, my Louie is considered a Hot 3 also. And he is a biter. But I will just learn to read him and watch for signs, perhaps he will be a more calm guy. Not all Blue Fronts, Yellow Nape and Double-Yellow Head male zons are aggressive when they are hormonal, we will just have to see. I totally love this re-homed big guy. He listens so intently when I talk to him and tries so hard to please me. I would not trade him for the world and I consider myself lucky to be his friend. Louie is now 4 and I understand he can become hormonal sometime between the age of 5-12 years. So we will see.



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Cricket is a BFA and a female so this may be why she is so sweet and she also is around 16 years old so she is kind of past the bad part of the hormonal state.

We have had her for over 3 years, but she does have a history of aggression in the home she was in before us.

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Nilah is soon to be 3 years old. She is a female yellow crowned amazon. I am thankful she isn't a male, she can be quite testy at times. My daughters boyfriend has been with my daughter for over 2 years, he hasnt paid any attention to Nilah nor has she paid any attention to him in all that time. In fact, he was afraid of her so he they both ignored each other. Lately tho, she has fallen in love with him. He can barely set foot in the house and she is on him. She attacks my daughter and will bite her if she even tries to sit on the same couch with him. She has tail fanned, eyes pinning, and she struts her stuff back and forth on his shoulder letting the rest of us know, he is hers and stay away!!!! It is the only time she could care less when I get home from work, where the others are flying to me to give me kisses. Needless to say, I think her hormones have started early, and she becomes quite difficult to handle when he is here, she WILL bite anyone who tries to get near her, even if she does get off him, and even then she has to be within 2 feet of him.


I personally think its his beard that he now has, but I'm not sure, and he's not willing to shave to find out. I can tell you, my daughter does not love our amazon at this moment in time. :(

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