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Marcus Modeling For a Video on Birdie Cookies


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I have a little channel at YouTube where I post videos of our flock, presumably for our distant family members to watch--but I really don't think that happens very often! At least, in the meanwhile it seems some other 'bird people' have discovered our parrots and enjoy watching the videos occasionally. One person, a couple of months ago, requested a video on the birdie cookies that I mentioned in our one video. It's taken me this long, but I finally put together a decent video on our birdie cookies today (after ditching the one I made yesterday). This is just what we do for our birds... all disclaimers and et cetera apply, haha, but I wanted to share it here because I thought Marcus was so well-behaved on my shoulder. Good boy! (Originally I was going to use Bunsen as the model but she's kind of in a funny mood today, so thought better of it!) :P


My hubby yelled at me for the lighting and everything but I told him, in no way is this a professional video--so please just enjoy it for what it is. :)



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Thank you both... I was honestly hoping Marcus might be more interactive, and talk a bit in the video and kind of be my "co-chef", but perhaps I should be glad he didn't. It could've gone the other way around, and he could have started making siren noises! Hehe, so I guess he was a good co-chef. Thanks for watching us, it was fun. :)

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