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To Corner, Or Not To Corner...


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That is my question....



I am looking around for a new cage, and I have seen some popularity with the corner cages. I really like them, but my concern is...is it always easy to find a place for one? We will be moving towards the end of 2012, and I am afraid that once we move, I may not be able to find a good place for it, and will be looking at floor plans to specifically accommodate this corner cage!


I would love to hear from members that have corner cages, and from those who don't and why. Why did you choose one, or why didn't you? Is it easy to find a place for it no matter what? I know this may sound like a stupid question, but I have a lot of furniture, and don't want to spend 800 on a cage that I wont be able to use!

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I had one and got rid of it. One reason is because the one I had was designed poorly. I had to spin the cage in order to remove the grate and tray for cleaning. I think some of the newer corner cages have the tray and grate split in two parts and coming out of the side. The other thing I didn't like is that it was too big to fit out the door so I had to take it apart just to get it outside for a thorough "hose down" cleaning. I didn't do that often but even a couple of times a year made it a pain.

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Speaking from a logistics standpoint, I would think it would depend on your home. I am sitting here thinking about my own space and between my kitchen, living room and family room I would only have one corner with wall space on either side. And that one already has a piece of furniture in it. I think there was another thread about corner cages too. You might find more info there if you can find the thread. They look really nice, but you are right about the investment! Good luck in your search for the perfect new cage.

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I've looked into corner cages because I like the way they look & the space. But they do need to go into a corner & I just couldn't find a good place to put one. Every logical corner had a window, door, traffic problem or reason why some piece of furniture needs to be there. So I was going to go w/an octagonal cage, instead. But I lucked into a big dometop & changed the plan again. But I'm pretty happy w/how it worked out.


If you look thru the "Show Us Your Cage" thread, someone has a big corner cage pictured. You might email to ask them how well they like theirs. Good luck!

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i had an octagonal cage for athena for a while. the doors were way too small, it was impossible to get outside for a good cleaning, it had a roof so we had to drill holes to put dowels through to be able to hang toys/swing from, and the bottom tray shapes were a pain to fit paper into. it'd have been great for a flock of budgies or finches, but for taking care of a parrot, not so much. i have it outside now as an ornament. we carefully cut an area out (we wire the section back on so no wild birds or critters can get stuck inside) so i can put a potted plant in it for the summer here. it's really cute!

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  Talon said:
Personally, I would not use a corner cage. It limits your options as to where it can go, and if you are ever going to move, it could be a problem. I also feel it limits the openness of a cage. there is less viewing space in a corner....



Thank you Talon, I had never even thought about that! That definitely takes away a lot of the appeal of a corner cage now. I really like the way they look, but the whole point of shopping around for a cage is to get something that would be good for my fid, not what looks good in my living room.


After reading all of your reviews, I am really leaning against getting a corner cage.

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  DawL said:
...the whole point of shopping around for a cage is to get something that would be good for my fid, not what looks good in my living room.


You really can do both. There are some very nice looking cages out there. Some of them are even intelligently designed. lol


One nice thing about GF is that you can get ideas & input about any cage you're considering just for the asking. Hopefully everyone can help you avoid all the mistakes we've all made along the way.

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  birdhouse said:
You really can do both. There are some very nice looking cages out there. Some of them are even intelligently designed. lol


One nice thing about GF is that you can get ideas & input about any cage you're considering just for the asking. Hopefully everyone can help you avoid all the mistakes we've all made along the way.


You are very right, there are some very nice cages out there. I have been looking around a bit more, and have found several that I am considering. I have been scouring the forums looking for any threads on cages, just to read up on reviews by people that actually own them. I have definitely made some progress. I appreciate everyone's advice, and am so glad I asked! Otherwise I would have bought a corner cage and more than likely not been happy with it in the end. I will let everyone know when I make my decision. Thanks again everyone :)

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I may be in the minority but I love the one corner cage we have. I find it fits more places and you can face any side to the wall other than the corner. I love that the top opens, the front opens and the feed doors. Pookie enjoys that cage but Smokey Joe often tries to claim it as his own as does Fred the Too and little Smartee Pants. The biggest drawback I have is fitting cage paper inside the tray, it is not as easy as a square or rectangular cage.

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Whether 'tis better in the home to corner

The cage and CAG of forum member DawL,

Or to set a regular cage against a wall in the home

has brought up opposing views. ;) (sorry I had to...)


I am moving to a really tiny apartment, and I have already picked out a corner cage for my future CAG for this coming year. I feel like it would give the most room possible for the least amount of space.

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LOL, loved the little poem ;)


I definitely see the point that you both have. It would be wonderful in a tight space, that is for sure. I just worry about having an available corner. I am still debating this, I won't be buying my new cage until next month sometime, so I have time to think about it. It always helps to hear the advantages, and disadvantages of something before you buy, so thank you everyone.

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I have a corner cage, as well as dome cage. Both work for me. Corner cages tend to be a little more dramatic in design. Also, more expensive. Tend to run around 800.00 Sophie ignored her new corner cage for past year. She moved in with other birds in the dome cage. Even after bringing back her dome cage, she ignored it, still insisted on living with Sunny and Kiki. Today... I found Sunny in new corner cage. New corner cage is good for one thing.... I find my three birds take turns checking it out.... but never accept it. Its a palace. A place to visit... but never quite home. Nancy

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Be very careful guys when choosing a brand new cage verses trying to upgrade. Greys LOVE their first cage and gym. They won't adopt new cage and gym easily. Sophie still has her original gym from 12 years ago. Hanging by a thread. We keep it going... new screws... whatever we can do. It is important to her! Keep that in mind for new babies. Whatever you start with, will be important for years. Start with a cage, planning for growth, a cage that will be with them for years! Bigger, is NEVER better. You can make a million dollars a year... they don't care. Begin with a cage they will love for at least ten years.( don't we all wish we made a million dollars a year!) LOL Nancy

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My grey Corky is on her third cage in eleven years and each cage bigger that the last one and my amazon Cricket is in her second cage in three years and wooden play gyms we keep an extra one in stock because they can destroy a wooden one in no time. Corky is on her second travel cage and Cricket is still on her first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lovethatgrey, you are right. I have decided against the corner cage after a chat about it with my husband. You all brought up great points, and he and I agree with them. I am currently looking for the biggest cage I can find that has proper bar spacing. Thank you everyone!

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