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Amazon Hiss!


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I am curious if anyone in this room has an amazon that does the following......


Nilah will occasionally make a hissing sound when she is trying to be intimidating. She also does it when she is looking to get into trouble. Its not a hissing sound with an 'Ssss' sound, but the same type of sound with her beak open and no 's' in it.


In the past, when she is biting onto me and won't let go, i will lightly blow on her to mess up her precious feather-do on her head, and she doesn't like me messing her feathers up, so she will let go to shake her head. I dont know if her hissing sound is from that, or if it is something an amazon does.

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Hmmmmm... You just gave me another idea !!! Blow on them when they bite & won't let go ???


Sorry, it's the wrong room and off subject, I just had to ask..


OK, on with hissing Zons...



YES! it does work , doesnt work on my greys as they just bite and fly off! But an amazon will just latch on and not let go, thus lightly blowing seems to work with mine.

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Oh yes I know that hiss. Its sound is almost like a throaty breath outward. I used to get the full display of head down, shifting from foot to foot, eyes pinned, tail flared and the hiss just for walking into the room when the zon was having a bad day. You should immediately back away when you hear it because it is a warning that an attack is coming and it could be one where the bird gives chase.



it is NEVER a threatening hiss. She does it in amwhimsical kind of way. Believe me, i KNOW when she is mad or showing off her threatening amazon strut with pinning eyes, tail fanned and festhers extended every which way she can while she struts back and forth. I onow to stay away from her at that point.....:P

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