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Lost my husband's little friend tonight


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Well, I went to the bathroom, and on my way there is our large tank that holds our Crested Gecko named Isis in it. I saw her sitting there, and just figured she was out and about, since they are nocturnal. I looked at her a little closer, and noticed her color was pretty dark...So, I put my hand in the tank, and when I touched her she didn't move at all. I knew then that she was dead. It must have been recent also, because she still looked very much alive. This is kind of hard on me, and those that have never kept reptiles may not understand. My husband and I got her together, we picked her out together, we named her together... she was kind of our little marriage mascot. We got her right after we got married.


The worst part; my husband doesn't know yet. She was HIS pet. He loved her. He always gets her out, and talks to her. My husband is asleep. He has to be up for work at 6:30am. I dont want to wake him and tell him now...he needs his sleep, and I know if I tell him know he will be upset...:(


I have put her little body in a small box, and I wrote her name on it with a heart... I will let my husband decide what he would like to do with her. I am REALLY loathing breaking this news to him...


R.I.P ISIS- You will be missed

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Dawl..I am so sorry for your loss. It is always hard to loose a member of the family and as the "Mom" we often must deal with our own emotions compounded by those of our spouse and children. Hang in there...hopefully your new little Grey can help comfort you both. R.I.P. little lizzard.

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I am also sorry for your loss. Our little companions deserve the best we have to give them. Isis will be dearly missed and remembered fondly once the grief has passed. It is heartwarming that you and your husband shared a love for this little gekko. I may not understand reptiles, but I understand caring and the investment of emotion that you have given her. Bless you and your husband in your time of loss.

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Thank you so much to both of you. I called my husband at work and broke the news to him. He was definitely upset, but I know he is trying to keep some composure as he is the GM, and has to keep his game face on at all times. We have plans to bury her tonight. She was the sweetest little girl, and I know she had a good life. She was a spoiled little Gecko :) Unfortunately they dont live long lives like our feathered friends, and that is a difficult fact to accept. You invest so much love into these creatures, and wish they could live forever. It is a major wake up call when your time with them ends, but I am happy that we gave her the best life a lizard could possibly have.

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It doesn't matter what shape size or color. It's just so painful to loose them because they all have such a special place in our lives, no matter what made us love them so much. I'm so sorry.


R.I.P ISIS- You will always have been a very special part of your family's life.

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Thank you everyone. We have buried Isis outside under our Weeping Willow tree. She will be missed, that is for sure. And you are all right. No matter the size, color, ect. these little animals have a way of finding a special place in our hearts. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need everyone. It is greatly appreciated.

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I'm sorry you lost your little friend... it's always hard, no matter the size or the species or how long you've had them. But you'll always remember her, and that's what's important in the end, that you all were an important part of each other's lives for the time that she was with you.

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I'm sorry you lost your little friend... it's always hard, no matter the size or the species or how long you've had them. But you'll always remember her, and that's what's important in the end, that you all were an important part of each other's lives for the time that she was with you.


You are so incredibly right. Thank you for your kind words.

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You are so incredibly right. Thank you for your kind words.


You're more than welcome. I've been there too, it can be so painful, even for ones that weren't with you for very long... Once when I was walking our dog at night, we stumbled upon an exceptionally tiny stray kitten, all black, who was just crying and crying in the middle of the sidewalk. She was so small, and obviously malnourished. I knocked on the neighbors' doors and she wasn't claimed, so I took her home. We tried to save her, but she ended up dying the next day. :( I only knew her for less than a day, but that loss hit me so hard. She's buried in the backyard with other pets of ours that we cared for and loved for years. I named her Tiara. I still think of her poor little self to this very day, happy at least that at the end somebody (two somebodies, actually, my husband and me) loved her and was rooting for her.


But our animal friends wriggle so deeply into our lives, it can be so sad to say good-bye...

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You're more than welcome. I've been there too, it can be so painful, even for ones that weren't with you for very long... Once when I was walking our dog at night, we stumbled upon an exceptionally tiny stray kitten, all black, who was just crying and crying in the middle of the sidewalk. She was so small, and obviously malnourished. I knocked on the neighbors' doors and she wasn't claimed, so I took her home. We tried to save her, but she ended up dying the next day. :( I only knew her for less than a day, but that loss hit me so hard. She's buried in the backyard with other pets of ours that we cared for and loved for years. I named her Tiara. I still think of her poor little self to this very day, happy at least that at the end somebody (two somebodies, actually, my husband and me) loved her and was rooting for her.


But our animal friends wriggle so deeply into our lives, it can be so sad to say good-bye...


Oh gosh, your story brought tears to my eyes. It made me think of my 2 kitties that I rescued. I went to this place that someone had emailed me about, they said there were little kittens outside, and their mother had been hit by a car. I went to this place, it was my daughter's 7th birthday, and she went with me. I got out of my car and walked up to this abandoned house....out came a little white kitten. I picked him up and petted him. I then headed back to my car, and out came this TINY kitten. She was meowing and following me to my car. I picked her up and set her back on the porch (I knew my husband would kill me if I brought home 2, and I knew other people were coming to rescue as well) but she followed me again, crying the whole way. Finally I picked her up and took her home. They were both HIGHLY malnourished, and next to dead. I nursed these kittens back to health. I got up every 2 hours at night to feed them and check on them while also getting up with my infant daughter at night to feed her....I got no sleep, but it was worth every sleepless night. They are now healthy, happy cats, and I couldn't imagine life without them.


My little female cat still follows me everywhere. She even waits outside the bathroom door meowing for me when I go to the bathroom. She sleeps on my butt every night. She is still small, and according to the vet she always will be. We think it is from her being so bad off when I got her. I mean, she fit in the palm of my hand when I got her. They are such good cats, and I love them very much. I attached some pics of my cats when they were kittens, and them now. The pics were taken after they had a major bath....they were FILTHY when I brought them home.


It is so nice to hear that the little kitten you found was loved when it passed, and I know it knew the difference. It was warm, fed, and loved....the way all of God's creatures should be.






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OooOOooh! They are absolutely gorgeous!! I am so glad that they were able to find such a loving home with you! Thank you for sharing those pictures of your sweet babies. :)


It is a sad thing about poor little Tiara, I can still feel so wistful about her sometimes, and go down the "What if?" route... but the one nice twist to her story is that, ironically, we ended up adopting her brother. He's our Titanium I mention in my forum signature, and he belonged to the neighbors next door to us. They obviously plucked him up when he and his littermates were running around outside unheeded and unwanted by the family down the street who owned the mama--they weren't home that night when I knocked on their door, or at least they didn't answer it--which resulted in his tiny, frail sister's sad neglect and eventual demise. :( When the family who took in Titanium (his name was "Midnight" then) moved a couple of years ago, they could only take one pet with them and chose their Great Dane. I didn't want anymore cats at the time, but my husband said to me, "How can we refuse another black cat who needs a home??" And when I talked to the wife, I found out that Titanium was from that very litter Tiara came from... so even though we couldn't save her, I am so happy that we were able to help and adopt her brother. He is my hunky lovebug to this day, and he comes for me when I call him like a sweet little doggie, he loves me so much (my husband gets mock-angry over this fact, he won't necessarily come running when he calls!) and he's such a good boy. My boy. I do love him so much. :)

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OooOOooh! They are absolutely gorgeous!! I am so glad that they were able to find such a loving home with you! Thank you for sharing those pictures of your sweet babies. :)


It is a sad thing about poor little Tiara, I can still feel so wistful about her sometimes, and go down the "What if?" route... but the one nice twist to her story is that, ironically, we ended up adopting her brother. He's our Titanium I mention in my forum signature, and he belonged to the neighbors next door to us. They obviously plucked him up when he and his littermates were running around outside unheeded and unwanted by the family down the street who owned the mama--they weren't home that night when I knocked on their door, or at least they didn't answer it--which resulted in his tiny, frail sister's sad neglect and eventual demise. :( When the family who took in Titanium (his name was "Midnight" then) moved a couple of years ago, they could only take one pet with them and chose their Great Dane. I didn't want anymore cats at the time, but my husband said to me, "How can we refuse another black cat who needs a home??" And when I talked to the wife, I found out that Titanium was from that very litter Tiara came from... so even though we couldn't save her, I am so happy that we were able to help and adopt her brother. He is my hunky lovebug to this day, and he comes for me when I call him like a sweet little doggie, he loves me so much (my husband gets mock-angry over this fact, he won't necessarily come running when he calls!) and he's such a good boy. My boy. I do love him so much. :)


I will say one thing about Tiara though...she may have passed, but she has people that remember her. She left her little paw print in your heart. She made a difference even with her very short lived time on this Earth.


Your hubby sounds like mine. Both good men. Even when I did bring home 2 cats instead of just the one, he just picked her up and snuggled her. I mean, she looked so terrible. He even said after they were home that he knew I wouldnt bring back just one. Smart man ;)


Titanium sounds like a little ham. It is so great that he is Tiara's brother. It is like having a little piece of her still with you as well :)

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I will say one thing about Tiara though...she may have passed, but she has people that remember her. She left her little paw print in your heart. She made a difference even with her very short lived time on this Earth.


Yes, I agree. And it's wonderful that we have Titanium with us now in her stead, he is so loving and sweet, I don't doubt that had she lived she would have been just as affectionate and loyal with us. She was a little sweetheart, and I'm glad I could cuddle her and make her feel loved for those few hours before she left us.


Your hubby sounds like mine. Both good men. Even when I did bring home 2 cats instead of just the one, he just picked her up and snuggled her. I mean, she looked so terrible. He even said after they were home that he knew I wouldnt bring back just one. Smart man ;)


Hehe, that is a smart man, and one who obviously loves you very much. :) I have a special place in my heart for animal lovers, men in particular, because I know too many who could really care less. Maybe it's the way they're raised? But it is so wonderful to read of other 'kindred spirits' like you both who love and care for these little, forgotten ones so much. It makes my heart feel warm and happy to hear of your kittens' happy endings with all of you. :)

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Yes, I agree. And it's wonderful that we have Titanium with us now in her stead, he is so loving and sweet, I don't doubt that had she lived she would have been just as affectionate and loyal with us. She was a little sweetheart, and I'm glad I could cuddle her and make her feel loved for those few hours before she left us.




Hehe, that is a smart man, and one who obviously loves you very much. :) I have a special place in my heart for animal lovers, men in particular, because I know too many who could really care less. Maybe it's the way they're raised? But it is so wonderful to read of other 'kindred spirits' like you both who love and care for these little, forgotten ones so much. It makes my heart feel warm and happy to hear of your kittens' happy endings with all of you. :)



I have a special place in my heart for animal lovers as well. Thanks you so much for all of your kind words to me in this thread. We may lose friends along the way, but it is worth every effort, every tear, and every second. I'm sure we would both do it again in a heartbeat :)

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