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As you all know Louie is in charge of his and my bonding. He can touch me, I can't touch him. So today, December 16th Louie has decided that he wants to one of the shoulder/arm parrots. So here is Louie asserting his power:


002.JPG of course, he still has to get his nibbles in!!!


004.JPG What's a girl to do but given in!!! LOL!!!


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You and Louie have made such great progress !!! It's wonderful to see him on your arm & shoulder instead of his boing !!!


Besides flying to your shoulder, do you suppose him watching you w/ Sterling Gris & Ana Grey was the brain cell that clicked for him to want to come to you??

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The answer is yes Gwen. The greys are very lovey to me and come to me all the time. They come when I call and Ana Grey and Louie both say "come here" like I do for them to come to me. So Louie knows what to do and what I will do when they come to me. He is a very observant guy and follows me and watches me all the time.

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