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Baby won't eat.....


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Hello....well Cooper is finally home! He is a beautiful 15 week old Cameroon CAG.....kinda getting worried because he constantly acts hungry! There is always a bowl of Pretty Bird CAG food in his bowl.....whenever we offer grapes or nuts he cannot get enough....when he "beaks" your finger he thrusts his neck up and down like a baby being fed by its mother! Any ideas? Thanks!

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The Pretty Bird is what the breeder sent home with us.....he ate it the first 2 days......and now he likes the nuts and grapes.....we're gonna put a call into the breeder tonite.....stay tuned! Our avian vet is Dr. Scott MacDonald and Cooper sees him on Dec. 20th..... He is super-affectionate and falling asleep on our chests! Numerous whistles and calls! We are LOVING our baby!

Edited by dyeraudio
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I agree with judygram. 15 weeks is young. He needs to have additional syringe feedings, in my opinion. Satisfying the oral stage, is very important. They can still do pellets, but if they are still interested in formula, I would do it. Kiki was our only baby. She demonstrated this behavior until six months. She had a syringe of formula, twice a day, until six months. CAREFUL! They will want you to syringe feed all the time. NOT an option! Decreasing the amount is important. Talk to your breeder regarding amounts. By the time Kiki was down to 1/2cc... daily, i stopped.

Ten years later, she is our best eater. Tons of fruits and veggies, healthy pellet mix. I also would weigh baby weekly, so you don't need to worry they are starving! ps... they never get to the point of starving! Its a battle. They want the syringe! LOL Nancy

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Our baby was still taking one feeding a day when we brought her home at 20 weeks.

They sent a bunch of formula home with her & we mixed it up and fed it to her from a cup. So, she was still getting the nutrients and the feeding from the formula, but not getting it from a syringe. If offered, she would probably still take it. She still sometimes will grab onto my finger and do the baby bob. She is now 8 months.

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excellent! Whether thru syringe, cup, it doesn't matter. What matters, is your new baby happy? I got Sophie my grey at two. She still rooted, wanted oral satisfaction. As a nurse, I know it is unhealthy, to give food from my mouth, and I discourage it. Whenever I have a snack, I plan on a small plate for Sophie, have a spoon ready. It has always made her happy. Nancy

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I just wanted to say 2 things...first, it is great that your breeder is there to help you with any questions you may have about your baby! There are so many breeders out there that don't care, and don't make themselves available after purchase. It is very common for a baby to regress to wanting to be hand fed after he goes to his new home, even if he was "fully weaned" before he arrived to you. I would continue the hand feeding until he decides he is done. It is excellent bonding time! Second, Dr. Scott McDonald is a FANTASTIC avian vet! If we are talking about the same vet (and I think we are) I take my fids to see him whenever he is in town! I have an Avian Vet here for checkups if he is not in town at that time, and for any emergencies, but if Dr. McDonald is around, we go to him!

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