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MonkeyBird says, 'hello'

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Just joined after lurking for some time, while we waited for our baby CAG, Marco, to come home (which he did on Dec. 10th). Hatched on Aug. 22, me and my partner visited him at his breeder all but 3 Sundays since September 11 (awful date to commemorate, but what can you do?), and the early bonding is obvious. I've had many types of parrots (none besides Marco now), ranging from wild to hand-fed, but none has adapted so well and rapidly as Marco. He is more like a new puppy, carefree and chill with everything, including our Great Dane and our cat. (The dog and cat scarcely even notice Marco, since both are bird-friendly, owing to having always lived with our conure that died after 24+ years last winter.) We took some time after the conure died, to grieve, and think before we leapt back into parrot keeping. We are thrilled with our new little guy, and he seems pleased with us.


So, welcome me/us to the forum, and bear with me as I gush unabashedly over the Chick Who Would Be King. Oh, BTW, he earned his name because he was an explorer from the get-go, always curious about everything even as a small nekkid hatchling.

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Thanks, everyone. Pics will follow eventually, but I already have a tale or two to share.


So, last night, I was giving some lovin' to the dog and cat, which were both in close vicinity of Marco's cage (cat curled up on short stool, dog still dripping a quart of water from his jowls from a drink--Dane owners know this treat!). Any new pet in the home means extra attention to existing pets to help them understand the family has grown, but that they are still very much loved, right? Just a "hey, love you" pet, nothing involved. Marco is about 3 feet away, watching with typical interest from his open cage door. Dog and cat are satisfied and move along. I turn to see if this is a "teachable moment" and Marco leans way far out and bows his head, neck feathers fluffed, inviting a scritch, which OF COURSE he gets. Just like what he saw the dog and cat get, he gets. Brief, but he's satisfied, and resumes preening himself. Teachable moment done.

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Welcome, MonkeyBird & Marco....


Congrats on joining this forum & bringing your new CAG into your family!!

I, too, know all too well about the jowls of water & slobber of a Dane and a Newfoundland. I used to wipe it off the ceiling regularly too !!! What I was getting to is how cute the jesture of "Pleeeaaasseee pet me" is. The puppies & kitties (well there's nothing like a Dane walking up to your face on the couch, dripping & drooling, for attention!! Or sitting, LEANING on your body, and flipping your arm up in the air!!) love to nuzzle and push their nose/beak towards you for a good scratch and Marco has already demanded his share. Smart Bird !!

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Aw, shucks, Gwen, you'll get me kicked right off this forum on my first day for talking too much about our Dane, Cole, and not Marco! Yes, one cannot keep a Dane without a tolerance of friendly moisture! I was so very pleased with young Marco's response. He watched the brief petting of the other members of his new flock and endearingly awaited his turn. And he's not even 4 months old, and only in his new home for 4 days. He's eating plenty (mostly Species Specific African pellets, 2 seed/nut/fruit mixes, and fresh goodies--he even eats them in recommended ratios!), gaining weight daily, and plays/stays well in/on cage, and his java tree. We started right off saying things at appropriate times (each poo gets an "eww" from us, "welcome home" whenever we come indoors and he hears the door, "thank you" when given a treat, etc.) because we already sense that he's taking in more than might be expected from such a young bird. Other than visits with him as a chick when he was really, really ready for that syringe of formula, he gives only the gentlest of love nibbles, all the while making baby sounds--like a baby R2D2!

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Hey, MonkeyBird !!! NO ONE ever gets kicked for talking about our beasties !!! We've all had plenty of great experiences and after all --- forums are for chatting !!! (I'm soooo guilty)

You'll soon realize Marco is watching AND listening more than you ever know. They take it all in & part of the fun is sharing love and food. Just wait till he is "helping" himself to everything on your plate!!

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Big smiles to welcome you and your entire extended flock. You are very intuitive to bring all your critters into the act of welcoming Marco home. I have not had the grand pleasure of personal company of a Great Dane, but wiping moisture from the ceiling gets my attention, LOL. What a wonderful introduction for your monkey bird. I love how everyone is taking his presence in stride and how he is eager for new experiences. On the forum we seem to run the gamut of experiences with all creatures feathered and furry. You have a village all under one roof, can't wait to read more from you. Welcome home Marco.

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Welcome monkeybird!! I just brought my little girl home a few weeks ago and couldn't be prouder of her. I spent all this time before she came home worrying and worrying about integrating her into our current animal house. I thought and thought and worried and then when the big day came she just gave everyone one look and then went on about her business. She is already making all kinds of noises too. Hope to see pics soon of all your babies. :D

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