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New soon to be Parront from Nebraska

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My name is Rissa:)

I am somewhat new here.... Ive been on the forum for awhile now... snooping around. I initially joined this forum because a close friend of mine had gotten a CAG and I wanted to learn more about them. I was then contemplating adopting one of my own as I absolutely fell in-love with CAGs but my life took quite a turn shortly after and I went through a divorce.... I decided that it was not the best time to become a new parront as I already had 2 birds at the time (tiels)

But.... things have changed for the better since then, and I am now anticipating adopting a 3 year old male CAG named Shiloh. If all goes well, He should be with me in a month or so. :cool:

I am VERY excited about this adoption! It feels almost like bringing a new baby into my home.


I have done lots of research and reading on CAGs.... on this site and others, as well as talking to other CAG owners. I have this Amazing book "For the LOVE of GREYS" which has been so helpful. I look forward to meeting everyone... and learning as much as I can before my new little boy comes home.



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Hi Rissa. I think you'll find that Shiloh is very much like adopting a child. Which is probably how come someone started calling them fids. lol I loved my tiels, but my TAG is just a whole other thing entirely. You're in for a greyt adventure. Looking forward to having you share it w/us. :)

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Well, currently I have a tiel named Ryley whom is a 5 year old female... and I have a green cheek conure named widget who is a year.

I am familiar with CAGs.... its not really anything I havent done before, Im just kind of refreshing my education so to speak. Its been a few years since I have cared for a CAG. I helped a friend with hers for a long time. He came to my house to stay when she had to leave town. I LOVED IT!


I love my fids. I cook for them every single day. Rice, pasta, veggies, bean salads, sprouts, birdie bread... you name it they have it. I am an organic eater as it is so most of what I eat, my birds can eat as well. I spend hours with my fids.... playing with them and just hanging out. Im very excited to add such a beautiful bird to our flock though. I am sure that I still have plently to learn, but this seems like a great place to learn what I need to know!

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

Ill try to get some pics of Shiloh soon.

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Hello Rissa and welcome to our family, so glad you are adopting a rehomed grey and kudos for waiting for the right time to do so.

You will learn a lot from reading thru the many threads here on this forum so get busy and read as many of them as you can to prepare yourself for the day you bring Shiloh home, you know you will have to share some pictures of him.

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