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Going away on a work trip for a couple weeks..


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I am going on a work trip for a few weeks in January. My mother said she would look after Sasha but only if the wings are clipped. Sasha has been fully flighted since 1 year old, he is now 2.5 years old.

He LOVES flyng around, he has so much fun.. but he definitely gets into way more trouble being flighted then not.


Anyways I been having the thought of clipping his wings to.. it would be easier.. but I think he would get sad/depressed specially after being able to fly around for 1.5 years now unhindered.


I think I could convince my mother to look after him fully flighted, but only if he stayed in his cage 24/7(and probably put in a room out out of the way so Sasha can't see/hear her)



So what in your guys opinion would be better.. have him clipped but free out of his cage for the whole time im gone or keep him flighted but have him stuck in the cage 24/7 with very little interaction?



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I would hate to see you clip Sasha's wings for just a few weeks absense, it could do more harm than good since you are leaving him, he might think the next time he sees you go that another clip is coming. Is there someone else who can come part time to allow him some out of cage time to fly and be out while he is in your mother's care? Its not fair to keep him in his cage for that long but neither is clipping his flights, maybe some of the other members will have some other suggestions for you.

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well my trip is mid january. so if i made the decision to do it i would do it now so hopefully he wouldn't associate that. Maybe I can hopefully convince my mom to let him out for an hour or 2 a day or something.. I just don't know what the best course of action would be...

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can you check with your local avian vet to see if they board or if one of their staff can come to your house to bird sit? do you have pet sitting services in your area? would any of your friends take turns bird sitting for you? if it was me, i'd be looking at all alternatives before making a decision to clip him or to have him isolated if not clipped.

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