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By now everyone who has been here for awhile knows my Sweet Louie. The 4-year-old re-homed fully flighted BF Amazon that as lived with me for 15 months and will not let me touch him. After a long time Louie will now come to me and sit with me or on me on the couch while I watch TV. I can't touch him or he will bite me or fly off. It is the biting that is still a problem. Louie likes to bite on me. He does not bite me to be vicious or mean, he just likes to bite me with the tip of his beak.


I know there are several zons out there now and surely I am not the only zon owner who has this problem.... am I????? I do not agree with the "if your parrot bites you, just ignore it" I always let my parrots know that biting is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.


So if any amazon owner has also had this problem and has a solution please let me know how you solved it. Greys and zons are two different types of parrots which are totally different in how they act and react. So any constructive help is welcome.



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Hi Janet

I wish I had a good answer to your question.

As you know Cricket came to us with a reputation of aggression and to this day I could not tell you what I or my family did right to change her.

The way she was in her old home and the way she is here is like nite and day. In Florida she bit everyone and some bad enough for madical treatment.

Cricket has been with us for three years and has never bitten me, my wife or son and is playfull sweet and a joy to be around and I don`t know why she did this 180 deg. turn.

I wish I had a better answer for you. I guess Loue will come around on his own terms. Don`t give up !!!

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Don't get the wrong idea Ray. Louie is not mean with his biting. He does not bite down hard or with any anger. It is like it is his way of touching. He will not let me tickle or give him a scratch. I know he loves me and trusts me and if you have seen his videos on here you would have to agree that he really likes me. He is like a puppy the way her follows me around the house and does what I ask without question.

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Janet, I have had Nilah since she was a baby. When anyone tells her to step up, she will appear to bite your finger, and most people yell, "shes trying to bite me", but in actuality, she is checking to see if your hand is stable enough for her to step on. She only does this sometimes to me, it's rare when she does. However, she will occasionally just out of the blue, she will give me a somewhat light bite just for no apparent reason, I think she's just reminding me that she can, if she wanted to....:)


Bit at nighttime, when she wants to go to bed, SHE insists on the same ritual......she quietly says, " do you want to go to bed." over and over, and she has a spot she goes to in the same room as her cage, (it's the top of the curtain rod) and she waits patiently. When I get up to go get her to put her in her came for bed, she I sits on head rubs and scratches,while she whines in a quiet voice, for what seems like forever.....I have to stand on the top of the love seat or table to do this. As my arm gets tired, I tell her time for bed and to step up, she fights me on stepping up, sometimes sternly letting me know by biting me hard, but not too hard, and when I finally get her to step up, as I'm climbing down, she always has to get in one HURTFUL bite, then she happily goes into her cage and says "nigh nites"!


But I know what you mean, it's almost like they have an urge to bite down on you, but they don't do it hard.....they just have to get it out! There are times during the day, that might happen.

My hands feel like hamburger some nights, no bleeding, but a strong bite none the less....:(

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Thanks Talon, I can understand Louie a little more with your post and I believe you really understand what I mean about Louie's actions. He is a loving guy and so wants to please. What he does is not mean or meaning to be hurtful as you said. Perhaps it is just a zon thing. Many thanks for your reply!!!!!

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Sounds like a zon to me! At night when Nilah Chomps down on me, I always tell her sternly, "NO BITES! or DON"T BITE ME!" She DOES understand and lets up on my finger or hand when she does that. I'm hoping one day, I will get the jump on her every night and remind her nOT to bite me..sometimes I beat her to the punch and it will work...



LOVE sharing in zon stories with you!!

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I have the highest respect for you. The way your house has hanging things all over it like I do. And I feel just like you regarding the importance of free flighted birds indoors.


The way you use understanding, patience and empathy for your birds and their ways. It is so nice to know, I am not alone in how I chose to live, as others are so critical of. Don't you feel like you live in a giant bird cage instead of a house?? LOL!

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Oh I keep some spaces as MINE!!!! No parrots in my bedroom or personal bathroom. These are off limits. My three are my "new" children if I didn't have them, I would be very lonely!!!! As I explained to my human kids, its the parrots for me or me in your lives day in and day out...... Aren't parrots for mommy much better???LOL!!!!

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Amazons, can be soooo different! Our Orange winged amazon, was our only baby, we ever had. She is very sensitive, but also the bravest. LOVES new toys, fruits and veggies. While she is not the leader of the flock, everyone looks to Kiki regarding new toys and food. If she likes it.... everyone else likes it. She is the BEST flyer. Kiki never bites. Not sure why. She loves her shower, and being blowed dryed. Between 3-4pm, she screams at the top of her lungs. I let her. Its Kiki time. Sophie the grey is removed during Kiki time, since she will imitate Kiki. Kiki gets very upset. Not sure why! Nancy

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