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Ray P

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The holidays seam to keep getting in my way when it comes to posting because we are always going some place or doing some thing.

It`s one of those I will be glad when they are all over with and I can get back to normal and I have more time for the forum and all the other things in life.

I love the hohidays, but when you see Christmas things and Christmas carols on halloweew in the stores I think is a bit much. Every one wants to grab your last dollar

So any way I hope everyone had a nice halloween and a great thanksgiving and that you will have a Marry Christmas or happy holidays and that you have a happy new year so we can start it all over again.

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I have had other concerns as to my absense from the forum lately but I do agree that we all are busy with the holiday preparations, it never stops until it is all over with, so many places to go and things to do what with the shopping, decorating, wrapping and baking but it is a most wonderful time of the year and I hope everyone gets to spend it with their loved ones, family and friends, thats what it is all about.

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I have been unusually resistant this year to the holiday cheer. LOL. I have not shopped, not decorated and better get a wiggle on or I will not be ready to travel in a week! EEEK. LOL. I do look forward to seeing family and friends. We are taking two dogs, two parrots and two young adults along for two thousand miles in one car. If I think too much about it, I will chew off all my feathers. Oops, too late, I am featherless. On the bright side, I can hope for snow in the frozen Pennsylvania and New York State snow belt. I can only imagine Gilbert and Java seeing snow for the first time. Thanks for the reminder that Christmas is coming Ray, I have had my blinders on and probably wouldn't have taken them off and found my good cheer without you. Hope everyone on the forum has love and warmth in this season and hope your biggest troubles are keeping up with your flock.

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I love Christmas because there is nothing better than watching the joy, and excitement my children have when they get up at 5am to open gifts. I remember being that child... I remember not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve because every time I would close my eyes I would SWEAR I heard sleigh bells. I remember making cookies the night before, only to be absolutely SHOCKED the next morning when the milk and cookies I set out for Santa was nowhere to be found...only crumbs and an empty glass. I remember being a kid on Christmas, and watching my children every year makes me feel like a kid again. Merry Christmas to all of you, and I hope this year we can all feel a little bit of a child's joy on Christmas Day. :)

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