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Oatmeal bath for dry skin?


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Hi everyone,


I know people do it for dogs, and I did it occasionally when I had a hedgehog, but have any of you tried oatmeal baths for dry skin on your grey?


I figured it couldn't hurt since its all natural and he likes oatmeal anyway, so I gave it a shot tonight.


I put some dried oatmeal in an old sock, let it sit for a few minutes in a small amount of warm water, then squeezed the sock to get the oatmeal 'juice' on Charlie's back and chest. He wasn't extremely happy about it, but as he chewed on the yummy oatmealie sock, he did get distracted for a few seconds so I could finish the job.


He is pretty grumpy now though... more grumpy than I've seen him in a long time. We'll see if it was worth it...

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I wanna say thanks for the item about using oatmeal baths on birds. I'm putting it in my book which is called


Inventions to Think About on a Very Slow Day.


PS---putting things like that on a bird's skin will make the feathers dirty if they're not waterproof feathers. Any item used on a bird suffering from dry skin needs items that will penetrate the skin, not lay on top of the dry skin. Oatmeal baths don't penetrate skin. The skin needs to breathe.

Edited by Dave007
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