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A Marcus Update


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Hi everyone, I know I haven't been around here recently, but the flock's fine and quite feisty these days, and Marcus in particular has been an extra-good boy. :) We've had more non-family company in the past week that I wonder if he's ever seen before (or at least been a part of considering his former situation, instead of just a relative ornament in a cage), and he's been on his best behavior and giggled to everyone's delight and mumbled a few things and barked like a dog. He stepped up on command and even let his tail be stroked by, to him, a complete stranger. Such a good boy!


I also wanted to share with you all that a week or so ago, Marcus said his first "food word" aside from the dreaded french fry that he's been attaching to anything and everything edible. I baked some squash for a pie and offered him some when it was cooled, which he began eating with great relish! He was perching on my forearm in the kitchen then and when I picked up some more squash and asked him if he wanted it, in a funny little voice he said, "Squash!" My husband and I both cheered and cooed over him a ton for that and, unfortunately, it hasn't seemed to open any figurative doors since that episode--because we're back to french fry again whenever he wants to tell us he's hungry (as opposed to his occasional "Want some!"). But at least we know now that he has made the distinction in his mind that other food items can be called other names...


The relatively big thing that I wanted to share with everyone, though, took place back in November before I went to visit my parents out-of-state. My one friend's brother had sadly died after a long illness, and I was talking to her on the phone the afternoon before I left while Marcus hung out on his playgym. Afterward, I started cleaning the house and prepping things for my being away. At one point, Marcus asked me very clearly, "What is die?" So he was listening in on the conversation and apparently wanted to know what we had really been talking about! I tried to explain it as best I could without scaring him (because I was just going to be leaving the next day, and I didn't want him to think maybe I had died or something, being gone) and it seemed to go over well. But I was really tickled to hear him ask that, as was my husband when I told him about it.


Anyway, so that's our little update for today--I just hope you and all of your birdies have been doing well, too!

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How very exciting to hear from you again, Karen!!! I've been thinking about you and miss seeing your posts... If you look around GF, you'll be able to read of the great strides I've made recently with Roscoe !!! I can still never thank you enough for showing me you & Marcus playing the tent game!! Hope you, Ross, and your crew are all doing well !!!

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Loved your update. Your "french fry" is our "cracker". Gilbert also says "want some". That is so interesting. I try to give him a real cracker when he says cracker, he likes the little cinnamon goldfish or toddler tidbits. I also name things like almonds, beans or whatever as I give it to him, hoping desperately that he will ultimately request specific things. The closest we have come is for him to ask "wanna treat?" after he hears me ask the dogs if they want a treat after they come in from outdoor business. Marcus and his squash gives me hope. You better believe they are listening keenly when we are on the phone. Any activity not directly related to them is highly scrutinized, and often frowned upon at our house. LOL. Glad to hear from you, I love your updates. Marcus is quite the character. It makes me smile every time I read about how involved you and your husband remain with all your flock.

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All these replies, thank you for your lovely comments!


Gwen: Yes, it's wonderful the progress you've been making with Roscoe, congratulations! I know that you must be so thrilled!! He sounds like his little butterfly-self is pushing out of his chrysalis with your encouragement and, even though that can be a struggle, in the end they're finally free and happy to be what they were meant to be. Wonderful! :)


Cupid: Good to hear from you, even if it's not as often as you may like. Please give your babies scritches or air-kisses or something from me! :D


Morana: A couple of months ago I posted a picture of Marcus on my shoulder while I had a blanket over my head. Actually, I think I have a video of that in the camera too (which I should probably upload at some point, haha!), the 'tent game' was just an impromptu fun thing that we made up together one night. Marcus seemed to enjoy it... Anyway, here's a link to the thread, and if I do find that I have a short video of that in my camera, I'll put that up soon too. I recall Marcus getting feisty at the end and me being afraid of getting nipped! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?193952-Marcus-With-His-Parronts


chezron: Yes, I was quite surprised when I heard him ask that. I guess he really wanted to know! Oftentimes Marcus just kind of mumbles when he talks to us, but that question was as clear as can be.


katana600: I love hearing about Gilbert, too. :) My hubby wants me to offer Marcus a french fry (or at least show him one) whenever he starts up with that--but we hardly ever have them around, and I don't want to encourage him asking for one, anyway. I get the feeling he used to eat them a lot (sigh!). Anyway, Dee, I'm sure when Gilbert is ready he will broaden himself beyond his "cracker" too. I just hope Marcus eventually decides that getting squash for his effort is something worth repeating, so we can work on him with his own vocabulary a bit more.

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Thanks Karen for giving the thread link on your tent game. I'm sure Marcus & Roscoe are able to relax a bit & interact because of our tent. And, yes, because of that.. These past few weeks I've made strides with Roscoe I couldn't of even begun to imagine. The neck scritches started and then came the beak thing. He has finally begun to know the meaning of trust and is finding his own way of saying he loves me. Without our tent, Karen, I'm sure it would have taken years or even at all for him to respond... :)

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Tnx Karen for the link. I have read that thread when you wrote it. It also inspired me to try the same thing with Zak and it went ok. Unfortunately, I soon enough forgot to play the game with Zak again so I was excited when I saw Gwen mentioning it again. I thought that I missed a video (sometime when I wasn't on the forum). I would very much like the see it so when you'll have the time..;-)

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Gwen, Morana, you both are so sweet. :) I pulled out the camera and looked through the old videos and, yes, there is that one of the "tent game" that Marcus and I played that first night. I forget why I didn't upload it to begin with, maybe it just seemed a little bit silly at the time--we had to stop shooting almost as quickly as the camera had turned on! So it's not that big a deal or anything, but I am so happy that Roscoe has been able to blossom through your implementation of the tent game, Gwen. And Morana, maybe Zak will find it fun at some point too.


I honestly haven't really tried playing it with Marcus again since this video was shot! Most nights, my husband's "pillow game" with Marcus has taken over... and that's a whole other story!! :)



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hihi.. cute video!:-) And tnx for uploading it so fast :-)

Do tell!-what is a "pillow game"?


You're welcome. :)


The so-called "pillow game" is what my husband devised so that he can interact with Marcus without me being around. Really, aside from the shock that happened a couple of nights ago when Marcus attempted to fly across the room and landed on his forearm (good boy!), Marcus will not let my husband pick him up. He can pet him and everything, but Marcus won't step-up at all for him. So the pillow game occurs essentially when my hubby grabs one of the smaller couch cushions/pillows and uses it like a stand for Marcus to step up on. He makes a big, happy deal over it all and carries Marcus around the house on the pillow like he's King Marcus. Then they sit together on the couch or something for head-scritches and music played off the computer and just general Daddy/Marcus time. It's nice. :) So, I guess it's only a game because they just have fun together, but it's practical for us in its own way and hopefully in time Marcus will start stepping-up for my hubby, too.

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what we have to do sometimes to appease our fids but maybe someday he will step up for him


Yes, judygram, I think it's like entertaining a child sometimes. :) And hopefully that day when Marcus steps up for him will come soon... it would make things a lot easier, at least, and show that a new level of trust has finally been reached!

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Your husband is such a good sport. His pillow technique is ingenious and shows how much he effort he is willing to invest in Marcus and a tribute to you as well. There is no doubt a celebration party at your house will ensue when Marcus suddenly decides to step up for Daddy.

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